Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Kuliah Berbayar.
Ada kat fb tu ckp pasal benda nie.. diorang ckp perlu la ada yuran etc so org yg pegi tu leh appreciate apa yg diorang dpt, and ada gak kata, tandas pun bayar, harry potter punya tiket mahal pun tak komplen segala..
Tp kan.. pda pendapat saya.. org skrg nie, diorang tak rasa sgt memerlukan agama, so usaha kita adalah buat ceramah etc so leh tarik diorang utk dgr seruan agama. Mcm kalau hiburan diorang sanggup bayar mahal2 coz diorang mmg nak pg, tp kalau ceramah?
Mmg la pergerakan dakwah tu perlukan fund, tu la society Islamic kena kuat and org yg ada kemamouan tu kena la derma2 utk membantu so leh buat banyak ceramah yg free, I mean tak membebankan ( mmg la dgr ceramah tu tak jadi beban sebab kita tahu tuntut ilmu agama tu wajib, tp kalau org yg tak tau and Jahil dlm agama? tak ke diorang rasa benda2 gini beban? And main point is to attract more people like this to hear the talk )
Tah la not sure if I make my point clear, tak pandai sgt menghurai.. tu la syik kalah dlm debat.. tu la gak malas nak comment2 kat fb, last2 aku gak kena fire.. Biar la..
Mmg la kalau kita fikir balik ( in term org mcm kita la, tak la berilmu tp tak la jahil ), apa la duit tu dibanding dgn pahala2 and manfaat yg kita leh dpt dlm ceramah2 agama yg berbayar.. tak mahal mana pun. Tp dlm usaha menyebar agama nie, kita tak leh tertutup sgt. Focus bukan dlm 1 bentuk community jer tp target kena lingkum various type of individual.. Tah la.. malas nak ckp..
Hanyalah secebis pemikiran seorang yg jahil.. maafkan daku..
Tp kan.. pda pendapat saya.. org skrg nie, diorang tak rasa sgt memerlukan agama, so usaha kita adalah buat ceramah etc so leh tarik diorang utk dgr seruan agama. Mcm kalau hiburan diorang sanggup bayar mahal2 coz diorang mmg nak pg, tp kalau ceramah?
Mmg la pergerakan dakwah tu perlukan fund, tu la society Islamic kena kuat and org yg ada kemamouan tu kena la derma2 utk membantu so leh buat banyak ceramah yg free, I mean tak membebankan ( mmg la dgr ceramah tu tak jadi beban sebab kita tahu tuntut ilmu agama tu wajib, tp kalau org yg tak tau and Jahil dlm agama? tak ke diorang rasa benda2 gini beban? And main point is to attract more people like this to hear the talk )
Tah la not sure if I make my point clear, tak pandai sgt menghurai.. tu la syik kalah dlm debat.. tu la gak malas nak comment2 kat fb, last2 aku gak kena fire.. Biar la..
Mmg la kalau kita fikir balik ( in term org mcm kita la, tak la berilmu tp tak la jahil ), apa la duit tu dibanding dgn pahala2 and manfaat yg kita leh dpt dlm ceramah2 agama yg berbayar.. tak mahal mana pun. Tp dlm usaha menyebar agama nie, kita tak leh tertutup sgt. Focus bukan dlm 1 bentuk community jer tp target kena lingkum various type of individual.. Tah la.. malas nak ckp..
Hanyalah secebis pemikiran seorang yg jahil.. maafkan daku..
Walaupun saya terlambat..
Just nak ckp sini, walaupun saya terlambat beberapa kurun, DBSK IS THE BESTTT!!!!
Lol dah bubar lama dah pun group tu.. so sad..
So now collecting the remnant remaining... XD
Lol dah bubar lama dah pun group tu.. so sad..
So now collecting the remnant remaining... XD
Monday, November 22, 2010
Luntur yg menyedihkan..
Semalam cuci baju guna washing machine, masukkan la pelikat, selimut putih, lab coat putih and kurta baru warna hijau tua yg tak pernah cuci tp balik2 dah pakai lol :p
Then hari nie nak jemur, bukak2 mesin tu, semua benda dah jadi hijau tu + cokelat!! OMG!!! Sentap giler >.<
Lab coat dah tak jadi putih, sama gak ngan selimut.. jadi warna kotor >.<
I dunno that fab India punya fabric luntur... kalau tak mesti aku asing.. skrg dah terlambat.. lab coat kena pakai yg spare la nih, mcm tak leh guna..
tp nak try la basuh balik kalau leh hilang ( please hilangg!!! ) T_T
Then hari nie nak jemur, bukak2 mesin tu, semua benda dah jadi hijau tu + cokelat!! OMG!!! Sentap giler >.<
Lab coat dah tak jadi putih, sama gak ngan selimut.. jadi warna kotor >.<
I dunno that fab India punya fabric luntur... kalau tak mesti aku asing.. skrg dah terlambat.. lab coat kena pakai yg spare la nih, mcm tak leh guna..
tp nak try la basuh balik kalau leh hilang ( please hilangg!!! ) T_T
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Alhamdulilah, semalam ( sabtu ), daku pergi ke National Market ( ala2 black market la ), kat Indira Nagar bersama2 kawan daku Ilham, utk pergi beli gadget yg terniang2 dlm kepala otak nih, lol :p
So lepas tgk2, angkat la satu iTouch 4th Generation :p
Ada camera etc.. so ok la kot.
Harga dia murah dari iStore. Melayang la Rs15800 utk yg 32Gb. Sgt2 happy ^_^
Have some problem on getting used to the iTunes >.<
Tp lama2 ok la kot. So harap2 la benda nie lebih membawa aku kepada mode study.. lewl :p
Gtg salam :D
So lepas tgk2, angkat la satu iTouch 4th Generation :p
Ada camera etc.. so ok la kot.
Harga dia murah dari iStore. Melayang la Rs15800 utk yg 32Gb. Sgt2 happy ^_^
Have some problem on getting used to the iTunes >.<
Tp lama2 ok la kot. So harap2 la benda nie lebih membawa aku kepada mode study.. lewl :p
Gtg salam :D
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hari Raya Aidil Adha~
Salam aidil adha semua ^_^
Dalam kesempatan ini saya mengucap kan Selamat hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada semua, maafkan segala kesalahan dan salah silap saya, almaklum diri ini tidak sempurna dan maksum seperti junjungan Besar Rasullullah S.A.W. Dlm kesempatan ini juga mengucapkan terima kasih pada mereka yg menyokong saya ( lol mcm menang award plak kan :p ).
Mudah2an amalan dan qurban kita diterima Ilahi, membersihkan hati2 kita semua, dan semoga dipanjangkan umur yg berkat agar berjumpa lagi kita dengan Aidil Adha yg akan datang ^_^
Kepada family kat Sabah and kakak daku kat BMI, Selangor, Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha tanpa daku, jgn sedih2 ( lol :p ), Doa banyak2 mudah2an diberikan kejayaan dunia dan akhirat, dan dijauhkan dari azab api neraka.( setiap kali nak mintak doa pasal dunia, mesti teringat pasal ada 1 terjemahan tu, something like this ( maksudnya la )~ sesepa yg mintak kebaikan dunia, maka dia dpt dunia, tp akhirat tak dpt, tp sepa yg mintak dunia dan akhirat, maka dia dpt 2-2~ Tah la tgk balik surah Al-Baqarah )
p/s tak tau la boleh tak saya ckp mcm tu, tp sebab kalau dah menulis nie, malas nak gerak kemana2, and yg tafsir ada kat luar.. so malas nak amik >.< ( maafkan kemalasan daku )
Anyway, wish u guys all the best, in everything you do, banyakkan amalan, ( takbir jom! :P ) and jaga kesihatan selalu, lol :p
Dalam kesempatan ini saya mengucap kan Selamat hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada semua, maafkan segala kesalahan dan salah silap saya, almaklum diri ini tidak sempurna dan maksum seperti junjungan Besar Rasullullah S.A.W. Dlm kesempatan ini juga mengucapkan terima kasih pada mereka yg menyokong saya ( lol mcm menang award plak kan :p ).
Mudah2an amalan dan qurban kita diterima Ilahi, membersihkan hati2 kita semua, dan semoga dipanjangkan umur yg berkat agar berjumpa lagi kita dengan Aidil Adha yg akan datang ^_^
Kepada family kat Sabah and kakak daku kat BMI, Selangor, Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha tanpa daku, jgn sedih2 ( lol :p ), Doa banyak2 mudah2an diberikan kejayaan dunia dan akhirat, dan dijauhkan dari azab api neraka.( setiap kali nak mintak doa pasal dunia, mesti teringat pasal ada 1 terjemahan tu, something like this ( maksudnya la )~ sesepa yg mintak kebaikan dunia, maka dia dpt dunia, tp akhirat tak dpt, tp sepa yg mintak dunia dan akhirat, maka dia dpt 2-2~ Tah la tgk balik surah Al-Baqarah )
p/s tak tau la boleh tak saya ckp mcm tu, tp sebab kalau dah menulis nie, malas nak gerak kemana2, and yg tafsir ada kat luar.. so malas nak amik >.< ( maafkan kemalasan daku )
Anyway, wish u guys all the best, in everything you do, banyakkan amalan, ( takbir jom! :P ) and jaga kesihatan selalu, lol :p
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I visit my private blog, and too many event that I've forgotten.. Bila baca balik, sgt2 childish, lol XD
1 thing for sure, 5 month already pass, so almost half a yeah huh? but still have this stuff in my head.. But its now become less and i will hope it will disappear soon.. perhaps gonna take half year more to erase completely..
I'll wait till then...
1 thing for sure, 5 month already pass, so almost half a yeah huh? but still have this stuff in my head.. But its now become less and i will hope it will disappear soon.. perhaps gonna take half year more to erase completely..
I'll wait till then...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
I dunno how to change my profile name in allkpop.com... kuar nama username aku >.<
I thought kuar nama SukaHati.. haizz... takpe la... pening2 nak ubah @_@
I thought kuar nama SukaHati.. haizz... takpe la... pening2 nak ubah @_@
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Its not about winning..
Alhamdulillah, our batch got No.1 !!! ^_^
All the hard work to collect those points.. Phew~
But, if I say its not about winning, its about having fun, spent time with good friends, am I being selfish? ( nanti ada org kata tak bersyukur dpt no. 1 )..
But then, why I'm not so happy as i would imagine it after knowing our batch got first place?
The event is quite alive, and I like it. The food fest is not bat also :D
I got to left early coz something happen, I realize that I dont prefer if something like that happen ... It just take away all your mood... So i go home and switch on the heater and when I realize it, Its already dark...
Guess I'm tired also T_T...
P/s : mcm mana nak disable comment for this entry? ( jgn comment apa2 for this entry plz )
All the hard work to collect those points.. Phew~
But, if I say its not about winning, its about having fun, spent time with good friends, am I being selfish? ( nanti ada org kata tak bersyukur dpt no. 1 )..
But then, why I'm not so happy as i would imagine it after knowing our batch got first place?
The event is quite alive, and I like it. The food fest is not bat also :D
I got to left early coz something happen, I realize that I dont prefer if something like that happen ... It just take away all your mood... So i go home and switch on the heater and when I realize it, Its already dark...
Guess I'm tired also T_T...
P/s : mcm mana nak disable comment for this entry? ( jgn comment apa2 for this entry plz )
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sgt sedih..
Saya tgh main 1 game. Dpt hadiah item. Rupa dia biasa2 jer, and aku tak tau plak benda tu mahal nak mampos. So aku pun pg donate la kat pusat donation brg2 terbuang... melayang among most hardest things to get.. sedih sgt.. nape la aku main game tym mamai2... Aaaaa!!!! Berapa lama aku main pun, duit dlm bank tak cukup utk beli benda tu, sedih2 T_T
Basket Ball ( P )~
The game was great but I like to watch volleyball more. I think need more improvement on defence, sorry if I dont have the right to say this kind of thing. Sebab mcm tgk senior and junior def mantap giler, sampai nak pass bola pun susah.
Junior was very powerful, all their shoot really sharp and kind of like their synchronization. We need to practice more with them I think.
No drama this times, THANK GOD! Saya tidak memihak mana2 pihak. Kita semua bersaudara, tak best gaduh2, Agama tak ajar gtu.
Overall, Volleyball still ROCKS! Bias giler hahaha :p
Junior was very powerful, all their shoot really sharp and kind of like their synchronization. We need to practice more with them I think.
No drama this times, THANK GOD! Saya tidak memihak mana2 pihak. Kita semua bersaudara, tak best gaduh2, Agama tak ajar gtu.
Overall, Volleyball still ROCKS! Bias giler hahaha :p
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Alhamdulilah, saya menang straight set td ^_^
First match kami lawan supersenior, from 5 wakil, aku je menang. Takpe la, lain2 takde nasib. Aku lawan kakak senior tu, cuak gak, dah la aku main hitam, banyak giler kesalahan, tp nasib baik last2 tu kakak tu silap sikit, so aku menang ^_^ (seriously aku ingat kalah dah :p )
2nd Match lawan senior, Aku menang lawan abang senior tu, and me using white! My favorite! :p sengit gak, tp still win, Alhamdulilah ^_^
Emm. wakil batch kita yg lain aku tak sure apa result, yg aku tau elron la yg menang.
3rd match batch kami lawan junior, if Im not mistaken, semua kita menang ^_^
So total markah :
Super senior : 11
Senior : 10
My Batch : 7
Junior : 2
Alhamdulillah, dpt gak kita no 3. everyone need improvement... maybe coz they didnt practice much kot.. Alhamdulillah berkesan gak aku practice kat internet tu ^_^
K la, esok ada kelas, which is ComMed.. Mudah2an aku bangun lol XD
First match kami lawan supersenior, from 5 wakil, aku je menang. Takpe la, lain2 takde nasib. Aku lawan kakak senior tu, cuak gak, dah la aku main hitam, banyak giler kesalahan, tp nasib baik last2 tu kakak tu silap sikit, so aku menang ^_^ (seriously aku ingat kalah dah :p )
2nd Match lawan senior, Aku menang lawan abang senior tu, and me using white! My favorite! :p sengit gak, tp still win, Alhamdulilah ^_^
Emm. wakil batch kita yg lain aku tak sure apa result, yg aku tau elron la yg menang.
3rd match batch kami lawan junior, if Im not mistaken, semua kita menang ^_^
So total markah :
Super senior : 11
Senior : 10
My Batch : 7
Junior : 2
Alhamdulillah, dpt gak kita no 3. everyone need improvement... maybe coz they didnt practice much kot.. Alhamdulillah berkesan gak aku practice kat internet tu ^_^
K la, esok ada kelas, which is ComMed.. Mudah2an aku bangun lol XD
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Alhamdulilah, semua ok, dah pasang gigi baru ( lol :P ), and its the same color as my other tooth. And pay the rest of the bills. Emm now nak menyusun kembali perbelanjaan..
FYI aku mmg dah lama tak kuarkan duit, and in my wallet have RS50 jer HAHAHA! Nasib baik pg kelas td Salikin tlg tumpangkan, save Rs 30 :p
Then sebelum practical microb, pg beli makanan ringan, spent 20 rupee, so tgl 30rupee. Then after habis kat dentist ( bayar guna card ), aku nak balik.. cari la oto yg mintak 30 jer, coz mmg aku takde duit langsng dah melainkan 3 keping 10 rupee LOL :p
Aigoo.. lepas kira2 balik, I spent 40k this month which exceed my monthly allowance which is 32k! Haizz.. nasib gak aku berjimat cermat.. Eh.. baru 4th Nov kot! Omooo!!! Lama lagi to next allowance... jimat jimat jimat! XD
Takpe la, gonna lay low for this month, although banyak giler sale! T_T...
K la, nak makan, tgn pun mengeletar dah menaip nih, laparrrrr! Salam :p
FYI aku mmg dah lama tak kuarkan duit, and in my wallet have RS50 jer HAHAHA! Nasib baik pg kelas td Salikin tlg tumpangkan, save Rs 30 :p
Then sebelum practical microb, pg beli makanan ringan, spent 20 rupee, so tgl 30rupee. Then after habis kat dentist ( bayar guna card ), aku nak balik.. cari la oto yg mintak 30 jer, coz mmg aku takde duit langsng dah melainkan 3 keping 10 rupee LOL :p
Aigoo.. lepas kira2 balik, I spent 40k this month which exceed my monthly allowance which is 32k! Haizz.. nasib gak aku berjimat cermat.. Eh.. baru 4th Nov kot! Omooo!!! Lama lagi to next allowance... jimat jimat jimat! XD
Takpe la, gonna lay low for this month, although banyak giler sale! T_T...
K la, nak makan, tgn pun mengeletar dah menaip nih, laparrrrr! Salam :p
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Ahad nie.
Okay, Hari ahad nie, jam 9mlm, aku ada chess competition. Wakil batch 3 togather with my fellow comrade. Im sux in playing chess.. need to practice, so currently playing in www.chesscube.com utk lawan online... and the result is ... BERKARAT!!
Aigoo... lost in everymatch... what to do?Tak nak la aku kalah ngan junior or senior nanti.. nak gak contribute markah... Aku dah la tak pernah belajar proper way playing chess.. and bakat plak takde... haizz T_T ...
Just hope everything will be fine... I hope... ( risau2 >.< )
Aigoo... lost in everymatch... what to do?Tak nak la aku kalah ngan junior or senior nanti.. nak gak contribute markah... Aku dah la tak pernah belajar proper way playing chess.. and bakat plak takde... haizz T_T ...
Just hope everything will be fine... I hope... ( risau2 >.< )
Mereka suka berkata, tentang mereka, antara mereka, apa sahaja, dan aku salah seorang mereka, yg suka berkata2, apa sahaja, walau tidak bermakna, membuang masa, tanpa kisah, dan aku hampa, menjadi mereka, kerana agama, tidak meminta, akan org seperti mereka, ini bermakna, aku juga, seperti mereka, yg tidak punya apa, kecuali apa yg diberi olehNya.
~Ok mengarut, mood kalah setiap match chess online T_T
~Ok mengarut, mood kalah setiap match chess online T_T
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Ada satu lagi, yg suda lama tidak saya dgr.. then td p youtube dgr balik lagu tu.. sgt sedih.. still the best song ever.. remind me to some memories.. sigh*
Emm.. how to said this... Ok ok..
I'm sory for anything I do that hurt your feeling, although I think we both got hurt in some ways, I'm truly apologize for everything I do wrong. Sorry.
I'm sory for anything I do that hurt your feeling, although I think we both got hurt in some ways, I'm truly apologize for everything I do wrong. Sorry.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sgt LOL~
Td aku rushing a pg hospital utk dptkan gigi permenant Lol XD
Then sampai2 je kat dentist Ramaiah tu, dia pelik tgk aku.. then tanya "why did you come?"
I was like " eh, i have appointment today right? for the permenant teeth"
Then dia ckp something like lama lagi nak siap permenant tu, then dia pgl my dentist. Pastu dentist tu ckp kat aku yg dia ckp hari isnin tu if my temporart tooth tu not avaiable pukul 5 ptg sabtu tu, so hari isnin nak sambung, tp sebab dah sambung hari sabtu tu, so no need to come on monday.
I was like OMG~ I miss interpret apa yg dia ckp hari sabtu tu ( lol >.< ) So aku pun balik la rumah tp mcm nak singgah opthal jap coz my left eye itch pretty badly since 3 day with foreign body sensation ( hah korang apa DD nie?)
Tp tak jadi sebab 1st takde card so leceh la nak urus, 2nd malas~ So tak jadi la...
Then jalan2 kat B.E.L Road tu singgah barista jap, makan breakfast ( coffee + Muffin = nausea ), so aku makan cpt2 pastu blah~
Then semua kedai2 kat tepi jalan tu Adidas, Reebok etc ada flat 50%! Tp sebab sakit perut aku cepat2 la balik rumah.. Melepas la shopping T_T...
Emm.. ke nak p around jam 2 gtu.. haizz dilema lol XD
K la, nak buat kerja sikit lol XD
Then sampai2 je kat dentist Ramaiah tu, dia pelik tgk aku.. then tanya "why did you come?"
I was like " eh, i have appointment today right? for the permenant teeth"
Then dia ckp something like lama lagi nak siap permenant tu, then dia pgl my dentist. Pastu dentist tu ckp kat aku yg dia ckp hari isnin tu if my temporart tooth tu not avaiable pukul 5 ptg sabtu tu, so hari isnin nak sambung, tp sebab dah sambung hari sabtu tu, so no need to come on monday.
I was like OMG~ I miss interpret apa yg dia ckp hari sabtu tu ( lol >.< ) So aku pun balik la rumah tp mcm nak singgah opthal jap coz my left eye itch pretty badly since 3 day with foreign body sensation ( hah korang apa DD nie?)
Tp tak jadi sebab 1st takde card so leceh la nak urus, 2nd malas~ So tak jadi la...
Then jalan2 kat B.E.L Road tu singgah barista jap, makan breakfast ( coffee + Muffin = nausea ), so aku makan cpt2 pastu blah~
Then semua kedai2 kat tepi jalan tu Adidas, Reebok etc ada flat 50%! Tp sebab sakit perut aku cepat2 la balik rumah.. Melepas la shopping T_T...
Emm.. ke nak p around jam 2 gtu.. haizz dilema lol XD
K la, nak buat kerja sikit lol XD
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Ada satu cerita
Aku tak suka publisiti. Seriously. Lepas insiden2 maki2 aku, aku tak buat apa2 pun. Perhaps I'm wrong by commenting on someone blog. So he brag bout it and maki2 me in his status and welcome everyone to join maki2 aku gak. So aku diam la. Perhaps aku mmg salah. Perhaps.
Tp kan, tak cukup laki ke nak pin aku kat status2 ko yg nak publisiti murahan tu? Just to find someone to drop by and comfort you by join maki2 aku lagi. Tak cukup ke?! Aku tak pun sebar kat org lain apa2..
So nak perang la nie? Emm buang masa...
Yg irony tu, dia ckp kat org dia dah tak kisah apa2 ( status previous dia, sambil maki aku ) then napa tetiba ada status baru? Haizz psyco~
Tp kan, tak cukup laki ke nak pin aku kat status2 ko yg nak publisiti murahan tu? Just to find someone to drop by and comfort you by join maki2 aku lagi. Tak cukup ke?! Aku tak pun sebar kat org lain apa2..
So nak perang la nie? Emm buang masa...
Yg irony tu, dia ckp kat org dia dah tak kisah apa2 ( status previous dia, sambil maki aku ) then napa tetiba ada status baru? Haizz psyco~
Okay dah pasang capping temporary, hari isnin nie bru pasang yg permenant. And the temp. teeth is so white, it over-shine my otehr teeth (okay2, mmg gigi aku tak putih pom~ )
So here its look like~
So here its look like~


Emm... from this picture we can see that my new teeth reflect all the light and shine brightly and mask the otehr teeth... haizz and they not straight either.. what to do.. malas nak pakai braces ( mahal and sakit and lama giler duration of treatment ). So Hope capping will do me good. Lol XD
K la, nak off, salam~
K la, nak off, salam~
New Style~
Tgk nie gigi baru aku, nie trend baru kalau korang nak ikut, buat la gigi dpn korang gini k? Enjoy ^_^

Hahahha tu baru satu, nanti semua gigi dpn aku buat mcm tu. Mesti cantik kan? Hahahaha!
Just kidding, lol :p
Tu bru step first, pasti nie around jam 5 ( 1 jam stg lagi ) aku kena pg dentist balik utk pasang gigi temporary. Then hari isnin nie baru pasang capping yg permenant. Melayang 16k aku. td dah bayar 10k. Aiyoo.. takpe la, demi self confidence Hahhaha!
So pray for me k, so hari isnin nie gig yg kena pasang tu cantik and rata lol XD

Hahahha tu baru satu, nanti semua gigi dpn aku buat mcm tu. Mesti cantik kan? Hahahaha!
Just kidding, lol :p
Tu bru step first, pasti nie around jam 5 ( 1 jam stg lagi ) aku kena pg dentist balik utk pasang gigi temporary. Then hari isnin nie baru pasang capping yg permenant. Melayang 16k aku. td dah bayar 10k. Aiyoo.. takpe la, demi self confidence Hahhaha!
So pray for me k, so hari isnin nie gig yg kena pasang tu cantik and rata lol XD
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Okay, I like some of them, with good voice, good music, pretty etc etc..
So aku kdg2 ( mcm selalu jer lol XD ) melawat allkpop.com utk melihat update2 diorang. Then aku pun gatal2 sign in la, and officially become one of the Netizen lewl~
Hahhaa, nama aku kat dlm tu SukaHati. So kalau tetiba nampak aku marah2 or puji2 diorang, thats me! Hahahha ^_^
So aku kdg2 ( mcm selalu jer lol XD ) melawat allkpop.com utk melihat update2 diorang. Then aku pun gatal2 sign in la, and officially become one of the Netizen lewl~
Hahhaa, nama aku kat dlm tu SukaHati. So kalau tetiba nampak aku marah2 or puji2 diorang, thats me! Hahahha ^_^
Monday, October 25, 2010
On morning we gonna having OBG posting. Then on the afternoon gonna having 2 theory class which is Pharmacology and Microbiology. Then having Forensic practical that changed into theory class also.
So.. OBG + Pharma + Microb + Lecture Forensic = No Homework!
And No Homework = Stalking people on FB.
Argghhhh!! I hate it when I'm stalking ppl on fb. It give me this anger!! Urgh!~
So.. OBG + Pharma + Microb + Lecture Forensic = No Homework!
And No Homework = Stalking people on FB.
Argghhhh!! I hate it when I'm stalking ppl on fb. It give me this anger!! Urgh!~
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Salam perpaduan.
Nak betulkan sikit post sebelum nie ( sory malas nak cari and betulkan, so buat post baru utk betulkan k ), ada yg pasal mention pepatah merujuk akan sifat tamak manusia :
Jikalau seseorang itu diberi selembah emas, nescaya dia akan meminta selambah yg lain.
So tadi terbaca 1 hadis yang seakan - akan pepatah di atas ( pepatah tu yg seakan - akan hadis nie, so ikut hadis nie k ) :
"jika anak Adam memiliki dua lembah berisi harta, pasti menginginkan lembah ketiga " ( Diriwayatkan Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tarmizi, dan Ahmad ).
Maaf atas kesalahan post sebelum2 nie, jgn tuntut kat Akhirat k.
Mudah-mudahan sama2 kita memperbaiki diri.
Salam ^_^
Nak betulkan sikit post sebelum nie ( sory malas nak cari and betulkan, so buat post baru utk betulkan k ), ada yg pasal mention pepatah merujuk akan sifat tamak manusia :
Jikalau seseorang itu diberi selembah emas, nescaya dia akan meminta selambah yg lain.
So tadi terbaca 1 hadis yang seakan - akan pepatah di atas ( pepatah tu yg seakan - akan hadis nie, so ikut hadis nie k ) :
"jika anak Adam memiliki dua lembah berisi harta, pasti menginginkan lembah ketiga " ( Diriwayatkan Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tarmizi, dan Ahmad ).
Maaf atas kesalahan post sebelum2 nie, jgn tuntut kat Akhirat k.
Mudah-mudahan sama2 kita memperbaiki diri.
Salam ^_^
Happy Octoberrr!!!
Salam minions~ Lol XD
October is such a wonderful month for me ^_^
4 of my sibling celebrate in this month ( including me ), thats why when we celebrate each other birthday ( gud ol time ), we often celebrate together, some may look it as saving budget, but I do not view it like that, you see, when u celebrate together ( 4 ppl, 4 cakes ), it become a very wonderful and great memories! ( and memories is the most valuable thing in men :D )~ tak yah bidas secara logic~
Firstly 18 October, my wonderful sister Wan Irfa Amirah. ( gambar ko dah ada tym post lepas muahahha! )
2nd is 21 October, also my a-bit-shy-and-low-profile sister Wan Irliani.
3rd is the Great and Marvelous surgeon to be, ME!!! Hahahha!
4th is nothing else than my beloved twin, Wan Mohd Irfan.

Happy Birthday to us all I wish that we will succeed in everything we do, and we may not forget who we are, our main purpose in life, and mudah2an Allah S.W.t tidak memutuskan kita dari taliNya dan sentiasa menerangi jalan kehidupan kita dgn sinar AgamaNya. Amin.
Owh ya, lupa nak citer, semalam, aku, Faiz, Syaza and kak We, pg Indy Joe, makan2 steak and what do you know, they bought me a Watch as a Present!!! Super super like!! Tp sayangnya aku takde camera nak amik gambar and post kat sini. So aku bagi link jer la k, korang view la jam tuh :p ( gambar jam ).
Semalam tu, aku sampai kat MG Road tu around jam 6.05 ptg gtu, then solat jemaah Maghrib kat surau, then tgu punya tgu diorang tak sampai2... pegi kedai buku sampai jam 6.35 gtu then dpt msg Faiz yg diorang lambat sikit.. I was like OMG~
So aku tau la lambat lagi diorang akan sampai ( traffic jam segala ), so aku pg la Ameoba ( mcm arcade gtu la ). main basketball and dance2 smapai penat tangan and kaki + laparrrrrr T_T...
Then sampai jam 7.15 tu diorang tak sampai2 la.. aku pening dah nie.. mcm nak singgah minum2 kejap tp aku takut kenyang nanti.. so jalan2 lagi kat MG tu and singgah Levi's...
Try2 jeans.. amik 1 yg season ( betul ke term nie )... aku tak pernah pakai yg pudar2 gini ( tak suka actually ).. tp saja nak testing... so beli la...
Tym nak turun ke cashier tu, dia gtau pasal offer kalau amik brg worth Rs 6000, got 1 watch free.. aku ragu2 dah tym tu... kalau aku amik 1 lagi jeans and 1 t-shirt, confirm lebih 6000 dah.. and dpt jam free... Tp I decide not to waste money.. belambak dah baju tak terpakai kat umah.. no need.. lol XD
Then sampai2 kat Indy Joe, citer pasal benda nie kat diorang and aku kata aku menyesal tak amik offer tu.. then syaza ckp (something like this ) " Kdg2 kan, kita nie tak dpt apa yg kita nak tp ada yg lebih baik menanti kita ". So i was like okay jer la...
Then dtg birthday cake etc etc~ then suddenly Faiz bagi paper beg kecik warna hitam.. Hahhaha! A present!! Horrayyy! lol :p ( tp tak tau apa lagi dlm tu )
Then bukak2, ada jam yg super cantik!! OMG!!! I was like terharu2 Hahahaha!
Thanks banyak2 korang, tak kosong la tgn aku pasnie ^_^
Asal teringat pasal Levi's punya offer tu aku rasa mcm nak gelak, nasib baik giler2 aku tak amik offer tuh Hahaha XD
K la, nak pg Mantri beli something ( tp mcm nak hujan, kalau hujan confirm aku tak pg, malas jalan tym hujan )..
Thanks so much korang, and have a nice day ppl!
Salam ^_^
October is such a wonderful month for me ^_^
4 of my sibling celebrate in this month ( including me ), thats why when we celebrate each other birthday ( gud ol time ), we often celebrate together, some may look it as saving budget, but I do not view it like that, you see, when u celebrate together ( 4 ppl, 4 cakes ), it become a very wonderful and great memories! ( and memories is the most valuable thing in men :D )~ tak yah bidas secara logic~
Firstly 18 October, my wonderful sister Wan Irfa Amirah. ( gambar ko dah ada tym post lepas muahahha! )
2nd is 21 October, also my a-bit-shy-and-low-profile sister Wan Irliani.
3rd is the Great and Marvelous surgeon to be, ME!!! Hahahha!
4th is nothing else than my beloved twin, Wan Mohd Irfan.
Happy Birthday to us all I wish that we will succeed in everything we do, and we may not forget who we are, our main purpose in life, and mudah2an Allah S.W.t tidak memutuskan kita dari taliNya dan sentiasa menerangi jalan kehidupan kita dgn sinar AgamaNya. Amin.
Owh ya, lupa nak citer, semalam, aku, Faiz, Syaza and kak We, pg Indy Joe, makan2 steak and what do you know, they bought me a Watch as a Present!!! Super super like!! Tp sayangnya aku takde camera nak amik gambar and post kat sini. So aku bagi link jer la k, korang view la jam tuh :p ( gambar jam ).
Semalam tu, aku sampai kat MG Road tu around jam 6.05 ptg gtu, then solat jemaah Maghrib kat surau, then tgu punya tgu diorang tak sampai2... pegi kedai buku sampai jam 6.35 gtu then dpt msg Faiz yg diorang lambat sikit.. I was like OMG~
So aku tau la lambat lagi diorang akan sampai ( traffic jam segala ), so aku pg la Ameoba ( mcm arcade gtu la ). main basketball and dance2 smapai penat tangan and kaki + laparrrrrr T_T...
Then sampai jam 7.15 tu diorang tak sampai2 la.. aku pening dah nie.. mcm nak singgah minum2 kejap tp aku takut kenyang nanti.. so jalan2 lagi kat MG tu and singgah Levi's...
Try2 jeans.. amik 1 yg season ( betul ke term nie )... aku tak pernah pakai yg pudar2 gini ( tak suka actually ).. tp saja nak testing... so beli la...
Tym nak turun ke cashier tu, dia gtau pasal offer kalau amik brg worth Rs 6000, got 1 watch free.. aku ragu2 dah tym tu... kalau aku amik 1 lagi jeans and 1 t-shirt, confirm lebih 6000 dah.. and dpt jam free... Tp I decide not to waste money.. belambak dah baju tak terpakai kat umah.. no need.. lol XD
Then sampai2 kat Indy Joe, citer pasal benda nie kat diorang and aku kata aku menyesal tak amik offer tu.. then syaza ckp (something like this ) " Kdg2 kan, kita nie tak dpt apa yg kita nak tp ada yg lebih baik menanti kita ". So i was like okay jer la...
Then dtg birthday cake etc etc~ then suddenly Faiz bagi paper beg kecik warna hitam.. Hahhaha! A present!! Horrayyy! lol :p ( tp tak tau apa lagi dlm tu )
Then bukak2, ada jam yg super cantik!! OMG!!! I was like terharu2 Hahahaha!
Thanks banyak2 korang, tak kosong la tgn aku pasnie ^_^
Asal teringat pasal Levi's punya offer tu aku rasa mcm nak gelak, nasib baik giler2 aku tak amik offer tuh Hahaha XD
K la, nak pg Mantri beli something ( tp mcm nak hujan, kalau hujan confirm aku tak pg, malas jalan tym hujan )..
Thanks so much korang, and have a nice day ppl!
Salam ^_^
Friday, October 22, 2010
My Housemate
Td, my housemate beli kek and kfc! Sweet sgt ^_^
Mode : terharu2 T_T..
Tp sayangnya, handphone 2nd hand saya takde camera, so tak leh amik gambar lol :p
Thanks guys, really2 appreciate it :D
Mode : terharu2 T_T..
Tp sayangnya, handphone 2nd hand saya takde camera, so tak leh amik gambar lol :p
Thanks guys, really2 appreciate it :D
td pegi surau, lepas solat Isyak, dgr sikit ceramah dai pakcik, tetiba Annas a.k.a my Naqib bagi something..
Buku comic yg tebal bertajuk Palestine as my Birthday Gift! Waaa Thanks a lot! And dlm tu ada tulis ayat Al - Quran ( translation ek ) :
The believers are nothing but brothers. So make recon*i*icition ( sory aku takut salah tulis ) between your brothers, Fear Allah that you may recieve mercy.
Sgt2 la bermakna, tu la kita semua nie kena la bersatu, jgn gaduh2, elakkan dgr fitnah dari org2 yg berhasad dengki, etc2 and Mudah2an Allah S.W.T tidak memutuskan hubungan kita denganNya, Amin.
Thanks again naqib ^_^
Buku comic yg tebal bertajuk Palestine as my Birthday Gift! Waaa Thanks a lot! And dlm tu ada tulis ayat Al - Quran ( translation ek ) :
The believers are nothing but brothers. So make recon*i*icition ( sory aku takut salah tulis ) between your brothers, Fear Allah that you may recieve mercy.
Sgt2 la bermakna, tu la kita semua nie kena la bersatu, jgn gaduh2, elakkan dgr fitnah dari org2 yg berhasad dengki, etc2 and Mudah2an Allah S.W.T tidak memutuskan hubungan kita denganNya, Amin.
Thanks again naqib ^_^
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Butang Baju Melayu
I value them so much... then td among my precious collection, tgh susun2 dlm case dia, terjatuh 1 set, and the diamond ( glass jer lol :p ) tercabut! 2 butang plak tuh!
Aiyoo... sgt2 sedih >.<
Selalu jatuh jer, tp tak tercabut pun, nape la plak kali nie tercabut... maybe balasan Tuhan coz.. ( coz tym tu aku tgh ngumpat org T_T.. )..
Manage to find 1 diamond and 1 lagi tu hilang entah ke mana.. tak perfect la butang merah aku tuh nanti.. sedih2.. T_T...
Aiyoo... sgt2 sedih >.<
Selalu jatuh jer, tp tak tercabut pun, nape la plak kali nie tercabut... maybe balasan Tuhan coz.. ( coz tym tu aku tgh ngumpat org T_T.. )..
Manage to find 1 diamond and 1 lagi tu hilang entah ke mana.. tak perfect la butang merah aku tuh nanti.. sedih2.. T_T...
Monday, October 18, 2010
18 October
Such special date it is, coz its my beloved sister birthday! ^_^

Kepada Wan Irfa Amirah, mudah2an semua doa2 dimakbulkan oleh Allah S.W.T, panjang umur, murah rezeki, diberi kesihatan yg berpanjangan, kemudahan dalam kesusahan, dijauhkan dari malapetaka dan bencana, dan semoga beroleh kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat, Amin ^_^
p/s : I envy her fair and smooth skin! Urgh! T_T.. lolz :p

Kepada Wan Irfa Amirah, mudah2an semua doa2 dimakbulkan oleh Allah S.W.T, panjang umur, murah rezeki, diberi kesihatan yg berpanjangan, kemudahan dalam kesusahan, dijauhkan dari malapetaka dan bencana, dan semoga beroleh kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat, Amin ^_^
p/s : I envy her fair and smooth skin! Urgh! T_T.. lolz :p
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Bru lepas makan, My housemate masak ayam ngan serai ( mcm tu la bunyinya ) tp not bad la gak, so hilang la rasa lapar, Alhamdulilah ^_^
Sometimes I just want to escape, so I dont have to face this harsh life, that tears my patience, broke my heart, burn my anger, squeeze my tears ( although I dont recall crying for this past 8 years )...
Sometimes I just wish I can turn back time, redo everything Ive done wrong...
And the sometimes is now..
Sometimes I just want to escape, so I dont have to face this harsh life, that tears my patience, broke my heart, burn my anger, squeeze my tears ( although I dont recall crying for this past 8 years )...
Sometimes I just wish I can turn back time, redo everything Ive done wrong...
And the sometimes is now..
Sakit kaki tak hilang lagi.. bila sakit2 nie, semua benda rasa tak kena.. Haizz...
Td pagi2, naik bas p posting.. Ingatkan posting surgery, so bawak la buku surgery segala. Then tym nak p ward round tu, aku ckp la, " mgu nie plak end posting exam kan?? "
Then diorang pandang pelik kat aku, and tanya nape plak?
Aku ckp la, kan surgery posting mgu ke-4 skrg nie ( mgu 1 ~ 2, before cuti, mgu ke-3 aku kat malaysia lol :p ). So exam la..
Then diorang explain skrg nie posting OBG~ I was like OMG?! Aku tak bawak apa2 pun pasal OBG. And to make thing worse, aku kena amik kes!
Haizz... gundah gulana dibuatnya.. So nasib baik la kawan2 posting baik2 belaka and help me through the history taking.
Sampai la tym present case kat Doc... bru nak start tu, banyak benda dah salah.. Aiyoooo... Very the susah... kena fire2, kena tanya2 tak leh jawab. haizz... miserable... Then stop tergantung coz lambat dah, its 12 tgh hari and masa utk balik.. so dia warning awal2 sape next kena amik betul2 and that would be serial no 2. Aku serial no.5 tp sebab no.2 and 3 tak dtg, and no.1 and 4 already takend history.. tu yg aku kena tu lol :p
Then tym balik, punya la bikin sakit hati tempe nih! Bas patutnya tgu kat dpn hospital jam 12 tgh hari. Dia masih makan2 kat Ramaiah around 12.10 tu! terpaksa la ku naik oto sorang2 lagi ( pakcik tu plak mengada mintak 40 rupee! Aku yg sakit kaki nie terima jer la, takde mood nak gaduh )
Then dpn gate ramaiah tu nampak bas bru nak gerak, aku tgk phone jam 12.17. Aku start bengang dah nie, kelas jam 1ptg, nak makan lg, nak solat lagi.. ade ke patut gerak lewat sgt?! aku dgn membara2 nak p jumpa Dr. Manoha yg incharge of Bus, tp dia plak busy.. so sabar jer la..
P solat and beli makanan ringan utk makan dlm lecture hall.. and guess what? Aku tidur the whole lecture >.<
Tah la, nape penat sgt nie.. Then practical plak, dah la ngantuk2 kena suruh salin 20 spotter yg panjang2, harus lah aku buat sikit jer and tgu balik rumah lol :p
Then mlm nie.. start ngantuk dah, tp tgu housemate masak, tp dia ajak gepren dia, confirm lambat T_T... Well, i should thank him coz masak and tahan jer la tgu..
Td kakak aku sms, aku tak leh balas, coz takde kdt, punya la busy sampai kdt pun tak topup lagi ( lol alasan sgt ).
Mood : Lapar + Penat + Menderita sakit kaki ( and hati, motif! )
I hope I will get used being alone, coz experience it in an acute ways is too much painfull and depressing..
I told someone I dont like my blog being publish in public, I term what I wrote here, stay here.. then someone reply " bukan ko nak org follow segala ke?" I was like blank jap... Thats not what I want to say.. Its just.. Tah biar la.. Mcm rasa nak privatekan blog nie.. or buat blog baru yg takde org tau... =.='
K la, takde energy nak menaip dah nie, salam~
Td pagi2, naik bas p posting.. Ingatkan posting surgery, so bawak la buku surgery segala. Then tym nak p ward round tu, aku ckp la, " mgu nie plak end posting exam kan?? "
Then diorang pandang pelik kat aku, and tanya nape plak?
Aku ckp la, kan surgery posting mgu ke-4 skrg nie ( mgu 1 ~ 2, before cuti, mgu ke-3 aku kat malaysia lol :p ). So exam la..
Then diorang explain skrg nie posting OBG~ I was like OMG?! Aku tak bawak apa2 pun pasal OBG. And to make thing worse, aku kena amik kes!
Haizz... gundah gulana dibuatnya.. So nasib baik la kawan2 posting baik2 belaka and help me through the history taking.
Sampai la tym present case kat Doc... bru nak start tu, banyak benda dah salah.. Aiyoooo... Very the susah... kena fire2, kena tanya2 tak leh jawab. haizz... miserable... Then stop tergantung coz lambat dah, its 12 tgh hari and masa utk balik.. so dia warning awal2 sape next kena amik betul2 and that would be serial no 2. Aku serial no.5 tp sebab no.2 and 3 tak dtg, and no.1 and 4 already takend history.. tu yg aku kena tu lol :p
Then tym balik, punya la bikin sakit hati tempe nih! Bas patutnya tgu kat dpn hospital jam 12 tgh hari. Dia masih makan2 kat Ramaiah around 12.10 tu! terpaksa la ku naik oto sorang2 lagi ( pakcik tu plak mengada mintak 40 rupee! Aku yg sakit kaki nie terima jer la, takde mood nak gaduh )
Then dpn gate ramaiah tu nampak bas bru nak gerak, aku tgk phone jam 12.17. Aku start bengang dah nie, kelas jam 1ptg, nak makan lg, nak solat lagi.. ade ke patut gerak lewat sgt?! aku dgn membara2 nak p jumpa Dr. Manoha yg incharge of Bus, tp dia plak busy.. so sabar jer la..
P solat and beli makanan ringan utk makan dlm lecture hall.. and guess what? Aku tidur the whole lecture >.<
Tah la, nape penat sgt nie.. Then practical plak, dah la ngantuk2 kena suruh salin 20 spotter yg panjang2, harus lah aku buat sikit jer and tgu balik rumah lol :p
Then mlm nie.. start ngantuk dah, tp tgu housemate masak, tp dia ajak gepren dia, confirm lambat T_T... Well, i should thank him coz masak and tahan jer la tgu..
Td kakak aku sms, aku tak leh balas, coz takde kdt, punya la busy sampai kdt pun tak topup lagi ( lol alasan sgt ).
Mood : Lapar + Penat + Menderita sakit kaki ( and hati, motif! )
I hope I will get used being alone, coz experience it in an acute ways is too much painfull and depressing..
I told someone I dont like my blog being publish in public, I term what I wrote here, stay here.. then someone reply " bukan ko nak org follow segala ke?" I was like blank jap... Thats not what I want to say.. Its just.. Tah biar la.. Mcm rasa nak privatekan blog nie.. or buat blog baru yg takde org tau... =.='
K la, takde energy nak menaip dah nie, salam~
Monday, October 11, 2010
Residential Permit
Very busy day!!!
Semalam bru sampai Bangalore, unpack brg2 and tidur >.<
tersangatlah penat lol..
Then, esok tu ( hari nie ler ) bgn awal pagi, bersiap2 utk pg buat RP. Thanks a lot to hazrul sebab tlg2 aku final touch document2 yg perlu dibawa ke Police commissioner. Jam 7++ pagi tu dah naik oto. bertolak sendirian, kena belajar urus sorang... kot.. Sampai kat sana around jam 7.45pg. Dah ramai org beratur.. Sabar jer la..
Then kami diberi nombor around jam 9.15 gtu... ( sgt penat menunggu coz berdiri and kalau blah jer, nanti kena beratur ke belakang... T_T.. )
Then lepas semua urusan selesai, around jam 10.30pg gtu, RP boleh diambil selepas jam 4.30 ptg.. so i cant go back yet coz i need this thing to be finished and not carried to next day...
So jalan2 la kat MG Road + Briged Road tu utk menghabiskan masa..
First2 pg Mateo to fetch breakfast.. super hungry lol :p
And guess what? I eat Grill Chicken Salad.. First tym nie jadi org diet lol :p
But the salad is quiet good, just have to add some more mayonese and tomato sos. ( of coz la aku demand mintak tambah lolzzz :p )
After that start la jalan2 + cuci mata... And what do u know.. Too many of them!! I wanna grab them ALL!!! LOLZZZ :p
Dah2, sudah2 la tu.. sabar2 sikit, duit terhad nie, tak leh shopping sgt ( monolog dalaman menasihati daku... )
Then sampai 4.30 bertolak kembali ke Police Commissioner, and terlalu banyak org + pack ngan junior2 baru.. haizz... last jam 5suku gtu bru dpt amik RP..
Alhamdulilah semua selesai *Mode sgt2 gembira. I can do this plak.. mula2 sgt takut sebab takde yg aku rapat sgt kat situ, tp nasib baik semua ok jer..
Banyak lg nak citer tp sebab sgt penat and sakit2 badan ( penat main Dance2 and Basketball kat Ameoba ), so aku singkatkan semua benda.
1 day spent for 1 paper ( RP tu sehelai jer, and sgt2 lah simple, mcm aku type sendiri pun leh, tp Signature Hijau tu yg mahal, lol :P )
K la, Salam~
Semalam bru sampai Bangalore, unpack brg2 and tidur >.<
tersangatlah penat lol..
Then, esok tu ( hari nie ler ) bgn awal pagi, bersiap2 utk pg buat RP. Thanks a lot to hazrul sebab tlg2 aku final touch document2 yg perlu dibawa ke Police commissioner. Jam 7++ pagi tu dah naik oto. bertolak sendirian, kena belajar urus sorang... kot.. Sampai kat sana around jam 7.45pg. Dah ramai org beratur.. Sabar jer la..
Then kami diberi nombor around jam 9.15 gtu... ( sgt penat menunggu coz berdiri and kalau blah jer, nanti kena beratur ke belakang... T_T.. )
Then lepas semua urusan selesai, around jam 10.30pg gtu, RP boleh diambil selepas jam 4.30 ptg.. so i cant go back yet coz i need this thing to be finished and not carried to next day...
So jalan2 la kat MG Road + Briged Road tu utk menghabiskan masa..
First2 pg Mateo to fetch breakfast.. super hungry lol :p
And guess what? I eat Grill Chicken Salad.. First tym nie jadi org diet lol :p
But the salad is quiet good, just have to add some more mayonese and tomato sos. ( of coz la aku demand mintak tambah lolzzz :p )
After that start la jalan2 + cuci mata... And what do u know.. Too many of them!! I wanna grab them ALL!!! LOLZZZ :p
Dah2, sudah2 la tu.. sabar2 sikit, duit terhad nie, tak leh shopping sgt ( monolog dalaman menasihati daku... )
Then sampai 4.30 bertolak kembali ke Police Commissioner, and terlalu banyak org + pack ngan junior2 baru.. haizz... last jam 5suku gtu bru dpt amik RP..
Alhamdulilah semua selesai *Mode sgt2 gembira. I can do this plak.. mula2 sgt takut sebab takde yg aku rapat sgt kat situ, tp nasib baik semua ok jer..
Banyak lg nak citer tp sebab sgt penat and sakit2 badan ( penat main Dance2 and Basketball kat Ameoba ), so aku singkatkan semua benda.
1 day spent for 1 paper ( RP tu sehelai jer, and sgt2 lah simple, mcm aku type sendiri pun leh, tp Signature Hijau tu yg mahal, lol :P )
K la, Salam~
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Persiapan terakhir sebelum balik...
Esok saya balik India dah, flight pukul 3 ptg dari LCCT ke Bangalore.
Flight dari KKIA ke KLIA jam 6 pagi, so dari pukul 9am till 3pm, I'll be spending my time in the LCCT T_T...
Anyway, nak balik nih, banyak la brg dibeli utk diri sendiri and org2 yg kirim..
Then bru teringat nak amik baju melayu yg ditempah. Fyi, im using Saree utk tempah baju melayu nie, saree border warna merah. Then sampai2 kedai tuh, mintak saree yg tukang jahit tu berjanji utk siapkan. Guess what he ( and his wife ) answer me:
"Alah, terlupa la, tak sentuh langsung pun: ( something like this la, yg penting point dia TERLUPA!!! )
I was like OMG!!! But sebab di bukan tempe and dah berumur, saya sambut dgn senyuman and call my mom.. My mom sgt marah and I give the phone to them.. so diorang settle and aku amik balik saree and baju melayu contoh aku utk dibawa balik.. almost 2 weeks and they didnt manage to finish 1 pair of baju melayu! Sgt sakit hati coz ingat leh test2 baju melayu yg dibuat dari saree.. unfortunately... Dah takde nasb...
Tp teruk giler.. kalau tak sempat siap, mcm leh dimaafkan lah, nie terus terlupa! Haizz... my mom mmg marah giler2 dah.. so aku sabarkan jer la lepas balik rumah... Dah nasib badan...
Then kemas2 brg cuci baju, tetiba plak hujan lebat.. tak kering la baju, jemur bawah kipas la hendaknya.. lol :p
So skrg nie, tgh bermain computer ( tu yg ada masa update blog ) and wait till 3am, coz nak gerak dari rumah pukul 3pg, sebab takut kalau banjir, jln sekat plak nak pg airport.. apa leh buat musim2 hujan nih.. kena la prepare for the worst...
Mendengar lagu2 korea nie, make me realize CN Blue still the best lol :p
Gonna surfing some more so tak ngantuk, bye all :p
Flight dari KKIA ke KLIA jam 6 pagi, so dari pukul 9am till 3pm, I'll be spending my time in the LCCT T_T...
Anyway, nak balik nih, banyak la brg dibeli utk diri sendiri and org2 yg kirim..
Then bru teringat nak amik baju melayu yg ditempah. Fyi, im using Saree utk tempah baju melayu nie, saree border warna merah. Then sampai2 kedai tuh, mintak saree yg tukang jahit tu berjanji utk siapkan. Guess what he ( and his wife ) answer me:
"Alah, terlupa la, tak sentuh langsung pun: ( something like this la, yg penting point dia TERLUPA!!! )
I was like OMG!!! But sebab di bukan tempe and dah berumur, saya sambut dgn senyuman and call my mom.. My mom sgt marah and I give the phone to them.. so diorang settle and aku amik balik saree and baju melayu contoh aku utk dibawa balik.. almost 2 weeks and they didnt manage to finish 1 pair of baju melayu! Sgt sakit hati coz ingat leh test2 baju melayu yg dibuat dari saree.. unfortunately... Dah takde nasb...
Tp teruk giler.. kalau tak sempat siap, mcm leh dimaafkan lah, nie terus terlupa! Haizz... my mom mmg marah giler2 dah.. so aku sabarkan jer la lepas balik rumah... Dah nasib badan...
Then kemas2 brg cuci baju, tetiba plak hujan lebat.. tak kering la baju, jemur bawah kipas la hendaknya.. lol :p
So skrg nie, tgh bermain computer ( tu yg ada masa update blog ) and wait till 3am, coz nak gerak dari rumah pukul 3pg, sebab takut kalau banjir, jln sekat plak nak pg airport.. apa leh buat musim2 hujan nih.. kena la prepare for the worst...
Mendengar lagu2 korea nie, make me realize CN Blue still the best lol :p
Gonna surfing some more so tak ngantuk, bye all :p
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Okay.. mcm besa, as expected kalau start hujan.. FLIGHT DELAY!!!
Dari pukul 9 aku kat KLIA nie hantar faiz yg nak g kelantan... then after dia blah, aku and ilham tgu diorang Kozaq, rupa2nya diorang ke LCCT utk pg HongKong.. so tak leh jumpa.. then Ilham nak gerak dah utk keluar dgn kawan dia, so he need to go... aku sempat la juga call and sms my sister using his phone cozm y phone already DEAD!
Well, i forgot that the charger for my phone is made for Indian Pin, so malaysia punya tak leh muat. That's why aku tak leh charge phone... and dia pun mati la...
Thanks Ilham coz teman aku sementara tgu kakak aku!
Lupe plak nak ckp " THANKS FAIZ AND ABANG DIA COZ BG AKU STAY KAT UMAH KOO!!!!" ( hahaha aku sebut nie dgn nada jerit to show how grateful I am! Lolzzz :p )
Well, u know what, abang faiz tu sgt2 la intelectual... he speak very logic ( tym dia berbincang dgn faiz mengenai beberapa isssue like Darwins Evolution theory, Nike etc etc )
Aku kat belakang kete dgr jer, tak berani nak sampuk, tak pasal2 kena lahar hahahaha!
Dari pukul 9 aku kat KLIA nie hantar faiz yg nak g kelantan... then after dia blah, aku and ilham tgu diorang Kozaq, rupa2nya diorang ke LCCT utk pg HongKong.. so tak leh jumpa.. then Ilham nak gerak dah utk keluar dgn kawan dia, so he need to go... aku sempat la juga call and sms my sister using his phone cozm y phone already DEAD!
Well, i forgot that the charger for my phone is made for Indian Pin, so malaysia punya tak leh muat. That's why aku tak leh charge phone... and dia pun mati la...
Thanks Ilham coz teman aku sementara tgu kakak aku!
Lupe plak nak ckp " THANKS FAIZ AND ABANG DIA COZ BG AKU STAY KAT UMAH KOO!!!!" ( hahaha aku sebut nie dgn nada jerit to show how grateful I am! Lolzzz :p )
Well, u know what, abang faiz tu sgt2 la intelectual... he speak very logic ( tym dia berbincang dgn faiz mengenai beberapa isssue like Darwins Evolution theory, Nike etc etc )
Aku kat belakang kete dgr jer, tak berani nak sampuk, tak pasal2 kena lahar hahahaha!
K la.. aku semakin boring... orh plak semakin ramai kat sini... tak selesa tul nak menulis ( since my first post ).. so Im gonna retreat for now...
K la, doakan aku selamat sampai dlm ribut nie~ LOL :p
K la.. aku semakin boring... orh plak semakin ramai kat sini... tak selesa tul nak menulis ( since my first post ).. so Im gonna retreat for now...
K la, doakan aku selamat sampai dlm ribut nie~ LOL :p
Currently stranded kat KLIA, hujan lebat so flight delay dari jam 2 ptg ke jam 4 ptg ( estimated jer ok :p )...
Tp sebelum citer pasal tu, nak citer dulu pasal shopping kat MidValley and KLCC~
Dari bangi, naik KTM pg Mid, pusing2 cari sim.. tak jumpa... Then tgk la beberapa kedai, and singgah sat utk bli sweater.. angkat la 2 sweater kat Romp.. lol :p
Then jalan2 lagi sambil cari sim, tak jumpa2 gak... semakin risau aku dan Faiz, so kami pg ka KL central berharap utk jumpa sim... then sampai kat sana, cari punya cari, jumpa la... dia beli U pack.. kau plak.. dah kena register dah no Ic aku.. owh lupa plak U pax aku tgk kat bangalore >.<
Then cintat ilham.. ckp nak jumpa kat KLCC, so pg la sana...
The shops like so grand almost not welcomming for regular costomer like me... well tak kisah pun.. brg2 kedai mcm tu pun utk org2 tua jer lol :p
So singgah la some shops utk beli baju, so angkat 2 baju kat ZARA.. pg gak TopMan, tp aku tak berapa suka sgt baju dia... terlalu fit! maybe sesuai la utk org yg ada shape badan dia.. eh faiz pun beli baju topman... atlet bola tampar katakan.. hahahah! ( mampus aku kena fire after this lol :p )
So, round2 tmpt tu sampai aku sakit kaki ( literally! ), then pg KL Central utk pg jumpa abang faiz ( faiz, aku and ilham ) then dia ajak makan kat Restaurant kelantan ( apa tah nama full dia, lupa dah, tp mcm exclusive ar ).. so aku pun ordar la tomyam and nasi putih ( tak berani nak order mcm2 dah la org belanja lol :p )
Then gerak balik ruma, siapkan brg, transfer sikit hand luggage aku ( mostly saree ) ke kargo luggage ( coz hand luggage aku like 14KG! ) mana tau tetiba dia nak check hand luggage, mampos aku kena bayar mahal2 >.<
Pastu semua org tidurrrr...
Quiet boring eh.. well, aku tulis pun boring.. perhaps pasal keboringan menunggu flight aku nih!
Tp sebelum citer pasal tu, nak citer dulu pasal shopping kat MidValley and KLCC~
Dari bangi, naik KTM pg Mid, pusing2 cari sim.. tak jumpa... Then tgk la beberapa kedai, and singgah sat utk bli sweater.. angkat la 2 sweater kat Romp.. lol :p
Then jalan2 lagi sambil cari sim, tak jumpa2 gak... semakin risau aku dan Faiz, so kami pg ka KL central berharap utk jumpa sim... then sampai kat sana, cari punya cari, jumpa la... dia beli U pack.. kau plak.. dah kena register dah no Ic aku.. owh lupa plak U pax aku tgk kat bangalore >.<
Then cintat ilham.. ckp nak jumpa kat KLCC, so pg la sana...
The shops like so grand almost not welcomming for regular costomer like me... well tak kisah pun.. brg2 kedai mcm tu pun utk org2 tua jer lol :p
So singgah la some shops utk beli baju, so angkat 2 baju kat ZARA.. pg gak TopMan, tp aku tak berapa suka sgt baju dia... terlalu fit! maybe sesuai la utk org yg ada shape badan dia.. eh faiz pun beli baju topman... atlet bola tampar katakan.. hahahah! ( mampus aku kena fire after this lol :p )
So, round2 tmpt tu sampai aku sakit kaki ( literally! ), then pg KL Central utk pg jumpa abang faiz ( faiz, aku and ilham ) then dia ajak makan kat Restaurant kelantan ( apa tah nama full dia, lupa dah, tp mcm exclusive ar ).. so aku pun ordar la tomyam and nasi putih ( tak berani nak order mcm2 dah la org belanja lol :p )
Then gerak balik ruma, siapkan brg, transfer sikit hand luggage aku ( mostly saree ) ke kargo luggage ( coz hand luggage aku like 14KG! ) mana tau tetiba dia nak check hand luggage, mampos aku kena bayar mahal2 >.<
Pastu semua org tidurrrr...
Quiet boring eh.. well, aku tulis pun boring.. perhaps pasal keboringan menunggu flight aku nih!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Tempe oh Tempe...
Okay.. skrg kat Bangi, online kat umah faiz...
Malaysia sgt panas even tym malam, nasib baik bilik nih ada aircond, tp terlampau sejuk plak, so aku tutup tak tahan lol :p
Nak citer pasal tym kat airport!
Lepas check in, kami makan sub way yg kami parcel bawak masuk airport... pas tu, krew air asia tu balik2 datang kat kami suruh kami masuk tmpt kastam cpt2 sedangkan lama lagi kot masa nak flight! Dah la flight tu delay! Pastu kalau attitude dia okay, tak la panas.. nie ckp nak nyekit jer! Kalau nyekit balik kang sentap~
Pastu siap jer makan ( 3 kali kot dia dtg ckp, aku sebab makan, buat2 tak layan ler, malas nak bertekak tym makan, buat2 cool jer lol :P ), kami pun pg la naik atas tuk lalu kastam tuh...
Then sampai kat kena check2 tuh! Aku letak la hand luggage kat dlm mesin tuh... then pg jumpa dia kan... dia check2.. mcm ok.. then...
take of ur coat and put it there... tempe tu ckp! I was like OMG! Fine~ aku pun pg la patah balik letas kat dlm mesin long coat aku tuh... patah balik kat dia...
Dia check2... ur shoes also.. OMG!!!! pesal ko nie tempe! I was like OMG!!! (double time! ) so aku perlahan2 la bukak kasut aku... letak gak dlm mesin tuh and everyone like watching me! URGH!!! Nape la tym aku tempe nih menjadi2 lak! Kasut aku lagi kilat dari kasut dia kot >.<
Tu la first time aku encounter benda2 mcm tuh, and tak pernah plak tgk org kena mcm tuh! tu yg sakit hati sikit nih! Tp utk confort myself, so i just say for myself " Its the protocol...its the protocol..." Haizz... still! Tak yah kot~ mcm la aku nak bawak bomb...
apa la ko nak bomb kat india nih! Takde ape22 pun yg interesting! Dah la commonwealth yg nak buat kat india nie mcm tak jadi jer sebab corruption sgt tgi and kos2 utk buat semua benda jadi tgi gak~ So that's the so called "incredible India" huh?!
Boleh? tetiba emo.. lol >.<
Tah la, lain kali nak pakai elipar jer la, and pakai sweater biasa jer... Haizz... LOL again :p
Esok nak p tukar duit and beli sim card and do some shopping kot.
p/s : Mak cant reply ur sms coz dont have credit alread, dia tolak kaw2 tym sambut call kat LCCT mlm tu, lol :p
Ingat kena tolak sikit jer, tetiba tgl sikit utk beberapa sms jer lg, and dah habis guna :p
So after beli sim, nanti aku gtau no. baru. Pastu aku jumpa Kak.ayu ( lol tak biasa pangil kak plak, sorry :p ) Rabu nih, kami jumpa di KLIA. Faiz pun pg sekali coz dia ada flight balik Kelantan hari tu gak.
K la ppl, nak tidur lu, Selamat Malam semua ^_^
Malaysia sgt panas even tym malam, nasib baik bilik nih ada aircond, tp terlampau sejuk plak, so aku tutup tak tahan lol :p
Nak citer pasal tym kat airport!
Lepas check in, kami makan sub way yg kami parcel bawak masuk airport... pas tu, krew air asia tu balik2 datang kat kami suruh kami masuk tmpt kastam cpt2 sedangkan lama lagi kot masa nak flight! Dah la flight tu delay! Pastu kalau attitude dia okay, tak la panas.. nie ckp nak nyekit jer! Kalau nyekit balik kang sentap~
Pastu siap jer makan ( 3 kali kot dia dtg ckp, aku sebab makan, buat2 tak layan ler, malas nak bertekak tym makan, buat2 cool jer lol :P ), kami pun pg la naik atas tuk lalu kastam tuh...
Then sampai kat kena check2 tuh! Aku letak la hand luggage kat dlm mesin tuh... then pg jumpa dia kan... dia check2.. mcm ok.. then...
take of ur coat and put it there... tempe tu ckp! I was like OMG! Fine~ aku pun pg la patah balik letas kat dlm mesin long coat aku tuh... patah balik kat dia...
Dia check2... ur shoes also.. OMG!!!! pesal ko nie tempe! I was like OMG!!! (double time! ) so aku perlahan2 la bukak kasut aku... letak gak dlm mesin tuh and everyone like watching me! URGH!!! Nape la tym aku tempe nih menjadi2 lak! Kasut aku lagi kilat dari kasut dia kot >.<
Tu la first time aku encounter benda2 mcm tuh, and tak pernah plak tgk org kena mcm tuh! tu yg sakit hati sikit nih! Tp utk confort myself, so i just say for myself " Its the protocol...its the protocol..." Haizz... still! Tak yah kot~ mcm la aku nak bawak bomb...
apa la ko nak bomb kat india nih! Takde ape22 pun yg interesting! Dah la commonwealth yg nak buat kat india nie mcm tak jadi jer sebab corruption sgt tgi and kos2 utk buat semua benda jadi tgi gak~ So that's the so called "incredible India" huh?!
Boleh? tetiba emo.. lol >.<
Tah la, lain kali nak pakai elipar jer la, and pakai sweater biasa jer... Haizz... LOL again :p
Esok nak p tukar duit and beli sim card and do some shopping kot.
p/s : Mak cant reply ur sms coz dont have credit alread, dia tolak kaw2 tym sambut call kat LCCT mlm tu, lol :p
Ingat kena tolak sikit jer, tetiba tgl sikit utk beberapa sms jer lg, and dah habis guna :p
So after beli sim, nanti aku gtau no. baru. Pastu aku jumpa Kak.ayu ( lol tak biasa pangil kak plak, sorry :p ) Rabu nih, kami jumpa di KLIA. Faiz pun pg sekali coz dia ada flight balik Kelantan hari tu gak.
K la ppl, nak tidur lu, Selamat Malam semua ^_^
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Last Moment!
Tak last minute pun Hahaha!
2 Hour 10 min before cab sampai.
5 hour before filght.
Bru balik dari fabindia utk beli kurta for the guys kat umah. korang terima jer la ek kurta nih, aku dah pilih yg terbaik utk korang ( ikut taste aku la Muahahahha! )
So skrg tgl utk adik2 pompuan aku yg 4 org tuh, sorang kat Jitra mmg tak leh bg apa2 la ( kirim doa jer ^_^ )
Yg 3 lagi tu, td aku tgk gak salwar and kurta utk pompuan tu, tp takde yg aku berkenan... tah aku tak pandai pilih kot.. pastu dgn kain yg jarang2... euwww tak nak aku bagi family aku pakai benda2 berdosa nie LOL! Hahhaha! ( lebih2 plak kan? :p )
So kiranya nanti la kat sabah aku belikan diorang apa2 yg diorang nak ^_^
Emm.. now nak iron baju yg nak dipakai esok ( tym beraya kat N9 ) then baju utk jalan2 kat KL ( dah siap pakai baju utk pegi airport, tak sabar sgt kan? Hahahha :p )
Emmmmmmm.... nak mengarut apa lagi nih... tah takde dah kot.. so Bye2 Ppl! Gonna be off like 3 day before I reach my Home + good internet Muahahaha!
Salam ^_^
2 Hour 10 min before cab sampai.
5 hour before filght.
Bru balik dari fabindia utk beli kurta for the guys kat umah. korang terima jer la ek kurta nih, aku dah pilih yg terbaik utk korang ( ikut taste aku la Muahahahha! )
So skrg tgl utk adik2 pompuan aku yg 4 org tuh, sorang kat Jitra mmg tak leh bg apa2 la ( kirim doa jer ^_^ )
Yg 3 lagi tu, td aku tgk gak salwar and kurta utk pompuan tu, tp takde yg aku berkenan... tah aku tak pandai pilih kot.. pastu dgn kain yg jarang2... euwww tak nak aku bagi family aku pakai benda2 berdosa nie LOL! Hahhaha! ( lebih2 plak kan? :p )
So kiranya nanti la kat sabah aku belikan diorang apa2 yg diorang nak ^_^
Emm.. now nak iron baju yg nak dipakai esok ( tym beraya kat N9 ) then baju utk jalan2 kat KL ( dah siap pakai baju utk pegi airport, tak sabar sgt kan? Hahahha :p )
Emmmmmmm.... nak mengarut apa lagi nih... tah takde dah kot.. so Bye2 Ppl! Gonna be off like 3 day before I reach my Home + good internet Muahahaha!
Salam ^_^
Yeah!!! Esok balik Malaysia! I'm very happy ^_^
Now still packing my stuff, doing some check list :-
- RP renewal document ( Finish )
- Print Ticket ( Finished )
- Packing cloth ( Tak kering lagi lol :p )
- Pack laptop ( the last thing I'm gonna do.. also lol :p )
Let see... what else missing??
OMG!!! forgot to bought present for my father and my twin! ( just sms-ed my brother, waiting for him to reply )
Emm... for my father? Wallet? Belt? ... I have no ideaaaa!!! Should i give him perfume life last years? IDTS~ Need something new...
Owh should I spent the whole family eating in a fancy restaurant? Emm... I guess that should do it ^_^
Currently hearing CN Blue, Rihanna, Shinee in my play list ( tu jer yg ader lol, malas giler nak update :p )...
Haizz.. bosan gak kalau dah takde org kat umah nie... Dah la dapur mcm TONGKANG PECAH!!! Nasib baik takde maggots jer, kalau tak, aku takkan masuk dah lol :p
Td nak gak panggil mana2 india tu utk tlg kemas ( pastu bayar la ), tp takde masa.. haizz... ( takde masa ke dok duduk dpn laptop? lol :p )
So skrg either mlm nie aku and Nabil ( housemate aku kat bilik sebelah ) nak kemas or kami biar jer lol :p
Meja makan kami still kat basement, takde sape nak amik.. dah ckp dah kat due, tp tak buat apa2 gak ( nak salahkan due plak, sedangkan aku gak yg malas >.< )
Jahat tak aku? kalau aku tgu jer sampai balik Malaysia tak buat apa2 leh tak? Coz aku balik lambat, mesti diorang dah kemas2 kan? ( or mcm last year, diorang tgu gak aku balik and biar peti ais tu utk aku cuci! Dah la berulat!! ) ...zzzZZzz...
Hahaha takpe la kot kan? K la, sambung packing!!! ^_^
Now still packing my stuff, doing some check list :-
- RP renewal document ( Finish )
- Print Ticket ( Finished )
- Packing cloth ( Tak kering lagi lol :p )
- Pack laptop ( the last thing I'm gonna do.. also lol :p )
Let see... what else missing??
OMG!!! forgot to bought present for my father and my twin! ( just sms-ed my brother, waiting for him to reply )
Emm... for my father? Wallet? Belt? ... I have no ideaaaa!!! Should i give him perfume life last years? IDTS~ Need something new...
Owh should I spent the whole family eating in a fancy restaurant? Emm... I guess that should do it ^_^
Currently hearing CN Blue, Rihanna, Shinee in my play list ( tu jer yg ader lol, malas giler nak update :p )...
Haizz.. bosan gak kalau dah takde org kat umah nie... Dah la dapur mcm TONGKANG PECAH!!! Nasib baik takde maggots jer, kalau tak, aku takkan masuk dah lol :p
Td nak gak panggil mana2 india tu utk tlg kemas ( pastu bayar la ), tp takde masa.. haizz... ( takde masa ke dok duduk dpn laptop? lol :p )
So skrg either mlm nie aku and Nabil ( housemate aku kat bilik sebelah ) nak kemas or kami biar jer lol :p
Meja makan kami still kat basement, takde sape nak amik.. dah ckp dah kat due, tp tak buat apa2 gak ( nak salahkan due plak, sedangkan aku gak yg malas >.< )
Jahat tak aku? kalau aku tgu jer sampai balik Malaysia tak buat apa2 leh tak? Coz aku balik lambat, mesti diorang dah kemas2 kan? ( or mcm last year, diorang tgu gak aku balik and biar peti ais tu utk aku cuci! Dah la berulat!! ) ...zzzZZzz...
Hahaha takpe la kot kan? K la, sambung packing!!! ^_^
Friday, September 17, 2010
Bye-Bye ^_^
Malam nie ramai yg akan balik malaysia, and ada gak yg gerak ke Korea. Really wish can send u guys off, but it seems I cant~
Wanna send msg, but then I dont have the number.
So only hope and prayer I give.. Have a safe journey, take care. You guys wont be reading this ( i think ), but then, at least I've done something ^_^
Wanna send msg, but then I dont have the number.
So only hope and prayer I give.. Have a safe journey, take care. You guys wont be reading this ( i think ), but then, at least I've done something ^_^
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tadi tym jalan2, teringat pasal diary..
Yeah, I got none... I lost all my picture in MAIS, and 1st IA ( dinner etc. ) when my laptop got stolen! CURSE U BOY!!! I KNOW UR OUT THERE!!! lolz XD
So then aku terfikir pasal blog... yeah.. i got alternative... my blog!
But then, some issue aku tak berani tulis kat blog mostly involving my true self...
But then I think some more, why not?!
Then I think again... I cant! I dont have the guts to face the consequences! I'm not like Elron, who have high self confidence... When ppl talk bout my teeth.. I got discourage... I feel shy... etc...
I try to change it, but would cost me fortune~ why bother?! baik aku simpan duit tu utk guna tym terdesak kan? Thanks GOD I'm not boros like some ppl... ada duit jer spent.. ada duit jer habis... mintak parents...
I'm lucky my Mother teach us when we were little to appreciate everything we got, everything we have, tak terlampau ikut org, tak nak sgt apa yg org ada.. Thanks for the harsh life ( tak harsh sgt pun tp susah gak la ), it teaches me to become what I am now. Im thankfull to God to give me suh Mother~ I love u Mom.. ( emm I never say this but u know I do right mom? :p )
Lolz.... dari ckp pasal blog tetiba melalut sampai sini...
I just wanna write.. write...write...
everything yg kuar kat kepala nie aku nak tulis...
Sometimes aku nak update everything but I got no time! ( ada plak masa main game >.< )
Sometimes I want to privatize my blog, but then I want to share... ( although some story tak leg share.. for myself.. or for myself and friend... or for myself, family and friend ) lol ada category nie terus :p
So? what now?
I guess I have to keep on writing la kan? I do this for myself, and for myself the blog is created, so those who out there, if u wanna say something, say it here or keep it~ no need to sebar2 etc... '
Dan la aku tau aku nie tak digemari ramai lolz.. ( whuteeeburrrr~ AKU TAK KISA EVEN RAMAI BENCI AKU HAHAHA! I'll continue on living tp terguris hati tu ada la kot, and once terguris, scar tu permenant... maybe aku buat plastic surgery baru hilang kot lolz )
Banyak benda actually.. tp I'll try my best to ignore those huge event that change my life, how i visualize certain ppl, and how i visualize life itself lol :p
Anyway, change is needed right? ^_^
Yeah, I got none... I lost all my picture in MAIS, and 1st IA ( dinner etc. ) when my laptop got stolen! CURSE U BOY!!! I KNOW UR OUT THERE!!! lolz XD
So then aku terfikir pasal blog... yeah.. i got alternative... my blog!
But then, some issue aku tak berani tulis kat blog mostly involving my true self...
But then I think some more, why not?!
Then I think again... I cant! I dont have the guts to face the consequences! I'm not like Elron, who have high self confidence... When ppl talk bout my teeth.. I got discourage... I feel shy... etc...
I try to change it, but would cost me fortune~ why bother?! baik aku simpan duit tu utk guna tym terdesak kan? Thanks GOD I'm not boros like some ppl... ada duit jer spent.. ada duit jer habis... mintak parents...
I'm lucky my Mother teach us when we were little to appreciate everything we got, everything we have, tak terlampau ikut org, tak nak sgt apa yg org ada.. Thanks for the harsh life ( tak harsh sgt pun tp susah gak la ), it teaches me to become what I am now. Im thankfull to God to give me suh Mother~ I love u Mom.. ( emm I never say this but u know I do right mom? :p )
Lolz.... dari ckp pasal blog tetiba melalut sampai sini...
I just wanna write.. write...write...
everything yg kuar kat kepala nie aku nak tulis...
Sometimes aku nak update everything but I got no time! ( ada plak masa main game >.< )
Sometimes I want to privatize my blog, but then I want to share... ( although some story tak leg share.. for myself.. or for myself and friend... or for myself, family and friend ) lol ada category nie terus :p
So? what now?
I guess I have to keep on writing la kan? I do this for myself, and for myself the blog is created, so those who out there, if u wanna say something, say it here or keep it~ no need to sebar2 etc... '
Dan la aku tau aku nie tak digemari ramai lolz.. ( whuteeeburrrr~ AKU TAK KISA EVEN RAMAI BENCI AKU HAHAHA! I'll continue on living tp terguris hati tu ada la kot, and once terguris, scar tu permenant... maybe aku buat plastic surgery baru hilang kot lolz )
Banyak benda actually.. tp I'll try my best to ignore those huge event that change my life, how i visualize certain ppl, and how i visualize life itself lol :p
Anyway, change is needed right? ^_^
Then bukak2 laptop.. jumpa artikel nih~
Aiyoo~ Dah la tgh membara... baca plak benda2 gini... leh naikkan semangat perpecahan...
Well, for me the article dont want destruction, but just wanna make ppl understand and realize the truth~
Kdg2 sakit hati gak bila org dtg2 tanya " eh org sabah tinggal atas pokok eh?" Although tu menunjukkan kebodohand and kejahilan org yg bertanya, tp sometimes I've been thinking do some semenanjung ppl really that shallow? melihat apa yg diorang ada tu sebagai satu yg dibanga-banggakan? Padahal yg di bangga-banggakan tu semua superficial~
Like this guy in fb, dia kutuk2 sabah ckp sabah kurang hypermarket, shopping compleks yg besar.. tak fikir ke semua tu dunia? Kalau bangga pasal ada yg dpt anugerah Nobel ke tak pe gak. Haizz.... (aku menulis dlm emosi..so maybe tak wise penulisanku)
Kalau baca aritcle tu, banyak gak benda2 yg menarik like kerusi2 parlimen tu.. tah la.. maybe sebab aku tak tau sgt dlm bidang2 pentadbiran nie, aku terima pandangan dia pasal jumlah tu... Pasal minyak tu jgn citer la, sebab tu la PAS leh conquer Kelantan, isu minyak dan ketidak adilan Gov..
Bila jalan ke kampung nenek aku kat Kota Marudu, lalu la kat kampung2 tepi jalan tu, nampak la mcm takde future langsung.. the teringat My Mom say "nah gini la diorang nie, lepas bapa tiada, anak ganti, jual jagung tepi jalan.. kalau ada peruntukan kerajaan tu, untuk org2 mcm nie la patutnya..."(something like that la)
Then I was like... betul la kan?! org kat KL sana terlampau banyak complaint~ dpt mcm2 still tak pernah satisfy. Tu la pernah terbaca satu ungkapan or Hadis ke.. tah tak sure.. berbunyi
"jikalau manusia itu diberi selembah emas, nescaya dia akan meminta selembah yg lain"
Menunjukkan betapa tamak haloba manusia tu... mcm menteri2 skrg nie.. menyampah tgk sorang... banyak tul issue timbul sebab semua pun nak jaga kepentingan diri sendiri.. jaga periuk nasi sendiri... bukan fikir pasal negara! nak rumah besar~ nak kereta banyak~ duit sape ko guna tu huh?!
Well sama la keadaannya dgn aku skrg... MARA bagi duit utk study, then aku pg buat tgk wayang segala.. ARGH!!! kalau start fikir mcm rasa nak shut down otak...
Haiz... dari pasal artikel tu melalut sampai sini... Tp ok gak la org2 mcm nie, biar rakyat sedar akan situasi yg melanda, bangun dari tidur lena, lari mengejar apa yg dihadapan... Nasib baik salam artikel dia tu still ckp just suruh GOV sedar.. bukan nak hasut rakyat berpecah... that I admire...
But jgn sampai hasut agar rakyat pecah belah sudah la... Preserve ke amanan yg ada skrg, sebab kalau hilang, amat susah utk build it again... Trust take time.. when u have it, dont betray it~ ( reflect kat diri aku gak)
Haizz... Mudah2an Allah selamatkan kita semua, Amin..
Aiyoo~ Dah la tgh membara... baca plak benda2 gini... leh naikkan semangat perpecahan...
Well, for me the article dont want destruction, but just wanna make ppl understand and realize the truth~
Kdg2 sakit hati gak bila org dtg2 tanya " eh org sabah tinggal atas pokok eh?" Although tu menunjukkan kebodohand and kejahilan org yg bertanya, tp sometimes I've been thinking do some semenanjung ppl really that shallow? melihat apa yg diorang ada tu sebagai satu yg dibanga-banggakan? Padahal yg di bangga-banggakan tu semua superficial~
Like this guy in fb, dia kutuk2 sabah ckp sabah kurang hypermarket, shopping compleks yg besar.. tak fikir ke semua tu dunia? Kalau bangga pasal ada yg dpt anugerah Nobel ke tak pe gak. Haizz.... (aku menulis dlm emosi..so maybe tak wise penulisanku)
Kalau baca aritcle tu, banyak gak benda2 yg menarik like kerusi2 parlimen tu.. tah la.. maybe sebab aku tak tau sgt dlm bidang2 pentadbiran nie, aku terima pandangan dia pasal jumlah tu... Pasal minyak tu jgn citer la, sebab tu la PAS leh conquer Kelantan, isu minyak dan ketidak adilan Gov..
Bila jalan ke kampung nenek aku kat Kota Marudu, lalu la kat kampung2 tepi jalan tu, nampak la mcm takde future langsung.. the teringat My Mom say "nah gini la diorang nie, lepas bapa tiada, anak ganti, jual jagung tepi jalan.. kalau ada peruntukan kerajaan tu, untuk org2 mcm nie la patutnya..."(something like that la)
Then I was like... betul la kan?! org kat KL sana terlampau banyak complaint~ dpt mcm2 still tak pernah satisfy. Tu la pernah terbaca satu ungkapan or Hadis ke.. tah tak sure.. berbunyi
"jikalau manusia itu diberi selembah emas, nescaya dia akan meminta selembah yg lain"
Menunjukkan betapa tamak haloba manusia tu... mcm menteri2 skrg nie.. menyampah tgk sorang... banyak tul issue timbul sebab semua pun nak jaga kepentingan diri sendiri.. jaga periuk nasi sendiri... bukan fikir pasal negara! nak rumah besar~ nak kereta banyak~ duit sape ko guna tu huh?!
Well sama la keadaannya dgn aku skrg... MARA bagi duit utk study, then aku pg buat tgk wayang segala.. ARGH!!! kalau start fikir mcm rasa nak shut down otak...
Haiz... dari pasal artikel tu melalut sampai sini... Tp ok gak la org2 mcm nie, biar rakyat sedar akan situasi yg melanda, bangun dari tidur lena, lari mengejar apa yg dihadapan... Nasib baik salam artikel dia tu still ckp just suruh GOV sedar.. bukan nak hasut rakyat berpecah... that I admire...
But jgn sampai hasut agar rakyat pecah belah sudah la... Preserve ke amanan yg ada skrg, sebab kalau hilang, amat susah utk build it again... Trust take time.. when u have it, dont betray it~ ( reflect kat diri aku gak)
Haizz... Mudah2an Allah selamatkan kita semua, Amin..
Have a kitkat~
Not much to say.. perhaps I'm wrong... serve me right...
To cancel the plan that I'm waiting for or perhaps wishing for is just cruel..
somehow it suits you,
somehow that's the only way to make me learn,
somehow I've learn how to let things go,
somehow I become more aware of the condition,
somehow I finally have reason?
to hate?
to avoid?
to not worried when u have problem?
to not bother anything you do?
to re-considerate my reason being here?
to re-establish my "tujuan" coming here?
to appreciate more those around me?
Now relax... I must become normal... quit being a psycho... don't ever talk, thats fine with me...
For long ago I realize, those things in front gonna be tough and hard, and this is not going to stop me, I'll march till i fall, yet raise again and continue... ( poyo plak kan?? so not me berpuisi2~ but i feel like writing it... perhaps for my own satisfaction... so to those who think mighty of urself, GO AWAY!!! this blog is where I speak something I usually hide... Yeah... I'm plastic and I hate it...
But being plastic, I can hide anything that is dangerous to be expressed... Ppl often say be true to urself.. THAT IS SOOOO WRONG!!!! If u say u like disco, being true to urself would be visiting those places.. but being plastic would be restrict urself and say u hate it! isnt that good? isnt that preventing u from doing horrible things?
Well, at least i think it that way...
Urgh... aku start merepek dah... Then td lepas patho jer, pg tgk resident Evil Afterlife 3d~ spek tu kabur1... Anyway this is the 2nd time aku tgk wayang 3D~ 1st experience pun kabur, so when td tgk pun kabur2 I was like euww tak bestnya tgk 3d nih! Then rupa-rupanya spek tu rosak! patutla... but then... takde makna-nyer tgk 3D nih.. same jer mcm besa... well at least I think that way..
Let see... nak recall balik nie kali ke berapa aku tgk wayang whle my life...
1st time tgk wayang when I'm in MAIS~ golden compass
First year kat india aku tak pernah pg wayang... or aku terlupa..rasanya tak pernah...
2nd year kat india :
~Sherlock Holmes
~Karate Kid
~How to train your Dragon
~Resident Evil Afterlife
~ emm apa lagi ek... perhaps ada aku tertinggal kot or takde dah...
Lolz.... dunno what to say... tah... penat jer tgk wayang... sound best kot, tp aku tak prefer sgt sound kuat2 nih... sakit teling jer >.<
Dgn wayang India yg leh tersekat nih~ tym tgk karate kid...nak last2 tu tetiba stuck! Then dia conti ahead several minute!!! tgk2 kalah dah last tu.. LOLZZZ!!!! Such a low quality~
Ckp pasal low quality... lepas tgk wayang.. pg beli Hadiah My Sister, dia nak perfume.. tak tau mana dia suka, so aku beli jer ( pakai sampai habis ek :p )
Its Dior Perfume. nah nih gambar dia aku malas nak upload (gambar perfume)
So harap2 dia suka.. ada free gift, body showe, aku amek eh Hahahhaa! aku bagi ko puch dia jer la lol :p
Ok sambung balik citer.. then nak balik tu, amik la oto~ kena la 107 dari resit polis tu, aku naik la... then tetiba pertengahan jalan, oto tu rosak! dia suruh aku amik oto lain and mintak 95 ripee!! Dah la baru sampai simpang empat nak pg baptis or element! Aku apa lagi melenting terus + marah2 aku bagi 60 jer.. terus blah...
Jalan2 tp tu sambil tgu oto lalu... ada la berhenti... aku ckp la Gokul Tower etc kan... then dia kata 50 rupee.. ok la.. aku terima... then jalan2 ada la event kecil2 aku marah pakcik tuh... sampai dkt Mathikeree flyover, dia nak start maki2 and nak stop, aku apa lagi STRAIGHT!!!! dia pun nak mengamuk gak tp dia diam... then nak suruh dia U turn.. dia kata jalan tu 1 way ler etc aku pun mengamuk lagi la... dia senyap...
Then sampai dpn CS... aku tanya dia.. " u have 50?" coz aku takde 50, ada 100 jer... Then dia ckp 60.. dgn slumber dia naikkan harga! Aku ckp u said 50!.. dia plak memaki dlm bahasa India last2 ckp 60! Aku apa lagi.. masuk CS, beli benda 10 rupee.. dpt baki, jalan balik kat oto tu, bagi 50 terus blah~ Dia dari dalam oto dia maki kuat2~ org sekitar jerit balik suruh dia senyap Hahahaha!
Then jalan2 cpt2 masuk CS.. dia tak leh buat apa2 dah la hahahaha! Nasib baik tak paham apa dia ckp, so tak la sakit hati sgt.. but yet sgt2 la geram dgn tempe!! URGH!
Then bukak2 laptop jumpa... sambung New entry~
To cancel the plan that I'm waiting for or perhaps wishing for is just cruel..
somehow it suits you,
somehow that's the only way to make me learn,
somehow I've learn how to let things go,
somehow I become more aware of the condition,
somehow I finally have reason?
to hate?
to avoid?
to not worried when u have problem?
to not bother anything you do?
to re-considerate my reason being here?
to re-establish my "tujuan" coming here?
to appreciate more those around me?
Now relax... I must become normal... quit being a psycho... don't ever talk, thats fine with me...
For long ago I realize, those things in front gonna be tough and hard, and this is not going to stop me, I'll march till i fall, yet raise again and continue... ( poyo plak kan?? so not me berpuisi2~ but i feel like writing it... perhaps for my own satisfaction... so to those who think mighty of urself, GO AWAY!!! this blog is where I speak something I usually hide... Yeah... I'm plastic and I hate it...
But being plastic, I can hide anything that is dangerous to be expressed... Ppl often say be true to urself.. THAT IS SOOOO WRONG!!!! If u say u like disco, being true to urself would be visiting those places.. but being plastic would be restrict urself and say u hate it! isnt that good? isnt that preventing u from doing horrible things?
Well, at least i think it that way...
Urgh... aku start merepek dah... Then td lepas patho jer, pg tgk resident Evil Afterlife 3d~ spek tu kabur1... Anyway this is the 2nd time aku tgk wayang 3D~ 1st experience pun kabur, so when td tgk pun kabur2 I was like euww tak bestnya tgk 3d nih! Then rupa-rupanya spek tu rosak! patutla... but then... takde makna-nyer tgk 3D nih.. same jer mcm besa... well at least I think that way..
Let see... nak recall balik nie kali ke berapa aku tgk wayang whle my life...
1st time tgk wayang when I'm in MAIS~ golden compass
First year kat india aku tak pernah pg wayang... or aku terlupa..rasanya tak pernah...
2nd year kat india :
~Sherlock Holmes
~Karate Kid
~How to train your Dragon
~Resident Evil Afterlife
~ emm apa lagi ek... perhaps ada aku tertinggal kot or takde dah...
Lolz.... dunno what to say... tah... penat jer tgk wayang... sound best kot, tp aku tak prefer sgt sound kuat2 nih... sakit teling jer >.<
Dgn wayang India yg leh tersekat nih~ tym tgk karate kid...nak last2 tu tetiba stuck! Then dia conti ahead several minute!!! tgk2 kalah dah last tu.. LOLZZZ!!!! Such a low quality~
Ckp pasal low quality... lepas tgk wayang.. pg beli Hadiah My Sister, dia nak perfume.. tak tau mana dia suka, so aku beli jer ( pakai sampai habis ek :p )
Its Dior Perfume. nah nih gambar dia aku malas nak upload (gambar perfume)
So harap2 dia suka.. ada free gift, body showe, aku amek eh Hahahhaa! aku bagi ko puch dia jer la lol :p
Ok sambung balik citer.. then nak balik tu, amik la oto~ kena la 107 dari resit polis tu, aku naik la... then tetiba pertengahan jalan, oto tu rosak! dia suruh aku amik oto lain and mintak 95 ripee!! Dah la baru sampai simpang empat nak pg baptis or element! Aku apa lagi melenting terus + marah2 aku bagi 60 jer.. terus blah...
Jalan2 tp tu sambil tgu oto lalu... ada la berhenti... aku ckp la Gokul Tower etc kan... then dia kata 50 rupee.. ok la.. aku terima... then jalan2 ada la event kecil2 aku marah pakcik tuh... sampai dkt Mathikeree flyover, dia nak start maki2 and nak stop, aku apa lagi STRAIGHT!!!! dia pun nak mengamuk gak tp dia diam... then nak suruh dia U turn.. dia kata jalan tu 1 way ler etc aku pun mengamuk lagi la... dia senyap...
Then sampai dpn CS... aku tanya dia.. " u have 50?" coz aku takde 50, ada 100 jer... Then dia ckp 60.. dgn slumber dia naikkan harga! Aku ckp u said 50!.. dia plak memaki dlm bahasa India last2 ckp 60! Aku apa lagi.. masuk CS, beli benda 10 rupee.. dpt baki, jalan balik kat oto tu, bagi 50 terus blah~ Dia dari dalam oto dia maki kuat2~ org sekitar jerit balik suruh dia senyap Hahahaha!
Then jalan2 cpt2 masuk CS.. dia tak leh buat apa2 dah la hahahaha! Nasib baik tak paham apa dia ckp, so tak la sakit hati sgt.. but yet sgt2 la geram dgn tempe!! URGH!
Then bukak2 laptop jumpa... sambung New entry~
Ok exam habis dah... finally, bru leh main laptop dgn hati yg tenang lolz~
Banyak sgt nak citer, ramadhan, exam practical and theory, smal2 event even then large 1... TO MANY!!! and yet im quiet lazy to write all that... so bagi rumusan la ek ( although BM aku A2, rumusan yg teruk, but i'll try my best lol :p )
Exam Practical aku ... Haizz..
Pharmacology was GREAT!!! Lolz :p (maybe coz i prepare a lot kot)
MICROBIOLOGY WAS HORRIBLE!!!! Aku tak tidur malam kot hafal fungus2 and ulat2 tuh! then tym lecture tanya2...everything got mixed up like scramble egg lolz >.<
Forensic was so - so... Boleh lulus kot...
Pathology tak tau nak kata apa... spotters was bad... Drawing slide i got correct both! Thank GOD! then the viva was horrible.. HOD tanya " what is the cause of fatty liver" aku jawab " Trauma, malignancy etc" HOD " u got it all wrong" I were/was (tah bad grammar lol :p ) OMG!!! Then i laugh~ Lolz.. nasib baik HOD cool jer..
Ok settle pasal Practical.. although banyak nak gtau actually... but its ok lol :p
Banyak sgt nak citer, ramadhan, exam practical and theory, smal2 event even then large 1... TO MANY!!! and yet im quiet lazy to write all that... so bagi rumusan la ek ( although BM aku A2, rumusan yg teruk, but i'll try my best lol :p )
Exam Practical aku ... Haizz..
Pharmacology was GREAT!!! Lolz :p (maybe coz i prepare a lot kot)
MICROBIOLOGY WAS HORRIBLE!!!! Aku tak tidur malam kot hafal fungus2 and ulat2 tuh! then tym lecture tanya2...everything got mixed up like scramble egg lolz >.<
Forensic was so - so... Boleh lulus kot...
Pathology tak tau nak kata apa... spotters was bad... Drawing slide i got correct both! Thank GOD! then the viva was horrible.. HOD tanya " what is the cause of fatty liver" aku jawab " Trauma, malignancy etc" HOD " u got it all wrong" I were/was (tah bad grammar lol :p ) OMG!!! Then i laugh~ Lolz.. nasib baik HOD cool jer..
Ok settle pasal Practical.. although banyak nak gtau actually... but its ok lol :p
Then utk theory exam. Ok.. frankly speaking, takde satu pun yg aku yaking lulus...
Because I'm satisfy with my FORENSIC first IA marks, aku tak struggle utk 2nd IA.
Because MICROBIOLOGY need both first and 2nd IA togather with 3rd IA, I struggle to mugging up all those answer... I guess, I still need more effort...
Because I fail my PHARMACOLOGY in 1st IA, I struggle a lot also, I guess the time i spent to memorize all those drugs not enough to get good marks...
Because I fail my PATHOLOGY paper in 1st IA, I really hope I get good marks if the question I've read appear in the examination paper question... But I guess there's no short cut in this... ( Patho paper bru habis td actually.. ada citer best gak antaranya :
~ Lecturer tu rasa area2 kami nak meniru then dia berdiri dpn kami for like 30 min till the MCQ paper collected... so mmg tak leh tgk tepi2 la hahaha!
~ Tym jawab essay, leh gak berinteraksi sesama kawan... like me , most question yg kuar tu aku tak terbaca.. then start la kitaorang nak silent discussion by?? Jeng3! tulis soalan belakang kertas soalan :p
Syaza yg kat sebelah kanan aku tulis kat aku " Emphysema PLZ?? " ...I was like okayyy...aku pun tak baca... so aku pandang faiz sebelah kiri aku.. tulis belakang paper gak " Emphysema plzzz???... then tym aku nak tutup kertas tu jatuh atas lantai... and bahagian belakan exposed showing EMPHYSEMA PLZZ???.. I WAS LIKE OMG!!!! sebelum lecturer tu berdiri utk tlg aku amik kertas tu, aku dgn strugglenya hulur kaki amik kertas tu! ( sebab meja tu susah giler nak kuar).. Phew~ dpt gam amik... aiyoo.... next time be carefull *sigh~
emm... tu jak la kot pasal exam.... banyak gak citer tp malas nak citer kat sini.. nanti la kalau aku teringat perhaps aku leh post new entry titled " korang tau tak?? " something like that kan?? :p
Then pasal someone close to me... or perhaps I'm the only 1 think that I'm close enough~ ( sambung new entry lol :p )
Because I'm satisfy with my FORENSIC first IA marks, aku tak struggle utk 2nd IA.
Because MICROBIOLOGY need both first and 2nd IA togather with 3rd IA, I struggle to mugging up all those answer... I guess, I still need more effort...
Because I fail my PHARMACOLOGY in 1st IA, I struggle a lot also, I guess the time i spent to memorize all those drugs not enough to get good marks...
Because I fail my PATHOLOGY paper in 1st IA, I really hope I get good marks if the question I've read appear in the examination paper question... But I guess there's no short cut in this... ( Patho paper bru habis td actually.. ada citer best gak antaranya :
~ Lecturer tu rasa area2 kami nak meniru then dia berdiri dpn kami for like 30 min till the MCQ paper collected... so mmg tak leh tgk tepi2 la hahaha!
~ Tym jawab essay, leh gak berinteraksi sesama kawan... like me , most question yg kuar tu aku tak terbaca.. then start la kitaorang nak silent discussion by?? Jeng3! tulis soalan belakang kertas soalan :p
Syaza yg kat sebelah kanan aku tulis kat aku " Emphysema PLZ?? " ...I was like okayyy...aku pun tak baca... so aku pandang faiz sebelah kiri aku.. tulis belakang paper gak " Emphysema plzzz???... then tym aku nak tutup kertas tu jatuh atas lantai... and bahagian belakan exposed showing EMPHYSEMA PLZZ???.. I WAS LIKE OMG!!!! sebelum lecturer tu berdiri utk tlg aku amik kertas tu, aku dgn strugglenya hulur kaki amik kertas tu! ( sebab meja tu susah giler nak kuar).. Phew~ dpt gam amik... aiyoo.... next time be carefull *sigh~
emm... tu jak la kot pasal exam.... banyak gak citer tp malas nak citer kat sini.. nanti la kalau aku teringat perhaps aku leh post new entry titled " korang tau tak?? " something like that kan?? :p
Then pasal someone close to me... or perhaps I'm the only 1 think that I'm close enough~ ( sambung new entry lol :p )
Monday, September 6, 2010
2nd Internal Assessment dan Selamat Hari Lebaran

5 day to go before 2nd IA, ( minus 1 day for Raya lol :p ), aishh... tah ar, takut tak dpt jawab plak nanti... kena la prepare sikit2 utk Patho and Pharma ( tetiba Microb pun kena focus >.< )
So exam mode now pplz!
p/s : guna caps coz im screaming! Lawlzz :p
gonna be off til 16/9/2010, wish us all to pass the exam ^_^
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I guess I dont have to say anything. You've got ur own community right now, and I'm happy for u.
Sorry to choose this but i think its for the best.
Although its painful when u mock me, I'll accept it. I wont counter it.
Finished here. Hope never have to meet or say anything to u again.
Sorry to choose this but i think its for the best.
Although its painful when u mock me, I'll accept it. I wont counter it.
Finished here. Hope never have to meet or say anything to u again.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Malas malas malas...
kalau ia boleh dibuang dgn apa cara sekalipun, aku sanggup membayar akan apa jua harganya.. tp sayangnya kegigihan dan semangat saja dpt menyingkirkan sifat teruk yg sememangnya malar dlm kehidupanku ini >.<
Tewas lagi dgn dunia, masih berfikir hal2 remeh, sedangkan yg paling penting menanti "untouched".. Haizz... mengeluh, mengeluh, mengeluh...
"Aku perlu berubah"... acap kali aku lafazkan, tp realitinya.... satu habuk pun takde...
Bermula dari apa? Langakh pertama? apa?
Biar.. Biar.. Biar.. sampai bila?
Exam dah dkt. tak baca apa2 lagi.. soalan telah diberi, tak buat2 lagi. Masih mengharap kawan utk membantu.. sampai bila? sampai mereka bosan utk membantu?
Record book berlambak2.. tutorial.. seminar.. end posting exam.. 2nd IA.. Haizz...
I'm not ready... yeah not ready for the past several month...
Alasan, alasan, alasan... semua alasan...
I miss when im in high school, back then I think nothing but study3X... And I'm sad on how much I've changed... My behavior, my thinking, my perspective... I wish i can redo what mistake I've done till now.. But i know that Its impossible..
Now what i can do is to repair all the mistake... Somehow...
kalau ia boleh dibuang dgn apa cara sekalipun, aku sanggup membayar akan apa jua harganya.. tp sayangnya kegigihan dan semangat saja dpt menyingkirkan sifat teruk yg sememangnya malar dlm kehidupanku ini >.<
Tewas lagi dgn dunia, masih berfikir hal2 remeh, sedangkan yg paling penting menanti "untouched".. Haizz... mengeluh, mengeluh, mengeluh...
"Aku perlu berubah"... acap kali aku lafazkan, tp realitinya.... satu habuk pun takde...
Bermula dari apa? Langakh pertama? apa?
Biar.. Biar.. Biar.. sampai bila?
Exam dah dkt. tak baca apa2 lagi.. soalan telah diberi, tak buat2 lagi. Masih mengharap kawan utk membantu.. sampai bila? sampai mereka bosan utk membantu?
Record book berlambak2.. tutorial.. seminar.. end posting exam.. 2nd IA.. Haizz...
I'm not ready... yeah not ready for the past several month...
Alasan, alasan, alasan... semua alasan...
I miss when im in high school, back then I think nothing but study3X... And I'm sad on how much I've changed... My behavior, my thinking, my perspective... I wish i can redo what mistake I've done till now.. But i know that Its impossible..
Now what i can do is to repair all the mistake... Somehow...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al - Mubarakh. Semoga Ramadhan kali nie lagi baik dari yg sebelumnya,
Kata2 dia atas adalah biasa, pada SMS, MMS, etc. But sadly, I think compared to when I was smaller, my Ramadhan are more filled with ibadah compare to me now.
I've changed. I once cherished and excited when Ramadhan comes, but now... I dunno why I dont feel the 'kegembiraan' anymore ( nak guna happines mcm tak ngam jer )...
Am i tainted enough? Cant even feel the warmth of this blessed month...
I've changed... Thats all i know... If i've ever fasting full in Rejab and Syaban.. now, even Isnin Khamis pun jarang...
I cant blame the class and posting etc coz this is my choice to enter this professional course... In school also I've used to be busy. But that now prevent me from doing those stuff... But now?
Perhaps I'm just too lazy... Yeah lazy... Blame blame blame.. that's all i do...
Last year ramadhan was so - so... not much I've done... I once complete whole 30 juzuk in 1 month, last year I cant even finish 15...
So now?
I dont think i can... But surely... I'll try me best again... bangkit merebut peluang yg ada...
I hope and always hope...
Ya Allah, Give me strength, give me courage, give me chance for me to change and may the change i made for myself is small but remain, Amin.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan. Syaitan dibelengu tp nafsu still ada, so anything happen tak leh salahkan Syaitan dah ( LOL ). Harap leh lentur nafsu yg teruk nih! XD
Kata2 dia atas adalah biasa, pada SMS, MMS, etc. But sadly, I think compared to when I was smaller, my Ramadhan are more filled with ibadah compare to me now.
I've changed. I once cherished and excited when Ramadhan comes, but now... I dunno why I dont feel the 'kegembiraan' anymore ( nak guna happines mcm tak ngam jer )...
Am i tainted enough? Cant even feel the warmth of this blessed month...
I've changed... Thats all i know... If i've ever fasting full in Rejab and Syaban.. now, even Isnin Khamis pun jarang...
I cant blame the class and posting etc coz this is my choice to enter this professional course... In school also I've used to be busy. But that now prevent me from doing those stuff... But now?
Perhaps I'm just too lazy... Yeah lazy... Blame blame blame.. that's all i do...
Last year ramadhan was so - so... not much I've done... I once complete whole 30 juzuk in 1 month, last year I cant even finish 15...
So now?
I dont think i can... But surely... I'll try me best again... bangkit merebut peluang yg ada...
I hope and always hope...
Ya Allah, Give me strength, give me courage, give me chance for me to change and may the change i made for myself is small but remain, Amin.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan. Syaitan dibelengu tp nafsu still ada, so anything happen tak leh salahkan Syaitan dah ( LOL ). Harap leh lentur nafsu yg teruk nih! XD
Monday, August 9, 2010
Td dgr sedikit talk pasal fikh musaffir nie, its kind of nice.
I like the Khuf thingy! ^_^
Now just have to prepare thick socks lol :P
I like the Khuf thingy! ^_^
Now just have to prepare thick socks lol :P
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Selamat Menjawab Exam Esok!!! ^_^
Kepada kawan2 yg akan mengambil Final exam first year esok, mudah2an Allah mempermudahkan kalian utk menjawab soalan exam esok. Amin ^_^
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Td ada usrah, bincang banyak benda but main pasal Aqidah, Pergaulan, Ibadah etc etc.
Tp ada 1 quote by Imam Hasan Al-Bana yg sgt menarik minat, it goes like this :
"Sekuat2 ukhwah adalah **** ( i forgot the term tp something like mementingkan saudara dari diri sendiri la ), dan selemah2 ukhwah adalah berlapang dada"
I was like OMG! Coz, reflect to my self, kalau jumpa jer org yg tak berapa 'prefer' tu, mesti start nak ckp something.. Haizzz >.<
Well, most of us do something like this (especially me la ), so based on those quote, takde ukhwah langsung la kan? haizz.... *mengeluh panjang..
Ramadhan dah dekat, tp hati still kotor, apa la nak jadi nie T_T...
Tp ada 1 quote by Imam Hasan Al-Bana yg sgt menarik minat, it goes like this :
"Sekuat2 ukhwah adalah **** ( i forgot the term tp something like mementingkan saudara dari diri sendiri la ), dan selemah2 ukhwah adalah berlapang dada"
I was like OMG! Coz, reflect to my self, kalau jumpa jer org yg tak berapa 'prefer' tu, mesti start nak ckp something.. Haizzz >.<
Well, most of us do something like this (especially me la ), so based on those quote, takde ukhwah langsung la kan? haizz.... *mengeluh panjang..
Ramadhan dah dekat, tp hati still kotor, apa la nak jadi nie T_T...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hari nie ahad, masa rehat yg amat2 diperlukan coz hari Sabtu tu diganti dgn lectur utk Hari isnin ( coz isnin India buat strike ). And kelmarin gak la exam Medicine and Patho, PHEW~
Thank God semua dah habis, and hari Rabu nie plak ujian Micron >.<
Honestly I dont think im gonna able to answer the question but then, I'll have to...
Mgu nie mmg penat... banyak sgt kerja... lain exam, lain assignment.. haizz...
as expected from MBBS course ( Com Med. mengada2 )...
Thank God semua dah habis, and hari Rabu nie plak ujian Micron >.<
Honestly I dont think im gonna able to answer the question but then, I'll have to...
Mgu nie mmg penat... banyak sgt kerja... lain exam, lain assignment.. haizz...
as expected from MBBS course ( Com Med. mengada2 )...
Aku mahu bilik yg luas... yg muat utk aku letas semua brg2 ku, perabot2 ku, gadget2 ku ( takde ape pun ), tp yg boleh buat aku selesa utk tgl 3thn lagi kat india nie >.<
Namun semua itu hanya cita2 yg mungkin tidak akan kesampaian coz nak pindah kena ada housemate segala... haizz... aku hanya mampu mengeluh panjang...
Kadang kala aku rindu akan susasana rumah yg tenang, yg boleh lepak kat mana saja pelusuk rumah, tp rumahku, tempat yg aku boleh singgah hanyalah bilikku.. ruang tamu penuh dgn brg2, meja makan penuh dgn brg bukan makanan seperti racun lipas, minyak motor, helmet etc... Tidak ingin aku bertekak kerana masing2 ada hak utk utilize ruang2 rumah.. Biar...
Just hope someday I'll have the chance to feel the warmth of what the call home.. perhaps...
Namun semua itu hanya cita2 yg mungkin tidak akan kesampaian coz nak pindah kena ada housemate segala... haizz... aku hanya mampu mengeluh panjang...
Kadang kala aku rindu akan susasana rumah yg tenang, yg boleh lepak kat mana saja pelusuk rumah, tp rumahku, tempat yg aku boleh singgah hanyalah bilikku.. ruang tamu penuh dgn brg2, meja makan penuh dgn brg bukan makanan seperti racun lipas, minyak motor, helmet etc... Tidak ingin aku bertekak kerana masing2 ada hak utk utilize ruang2 rumah.. Biar...
Just hope someday I'll have the chance to feel the warmth of what the call home.. perhaps...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Yesterday, while I attending my clinical posting, I took the chance to do Cryotheraphy for Wartz that infect my sole. Total 4 Wartz and 2 on both plantar side of my feet. The biggest 1 on my left and 2 on the right just start so it's a little small. The other 1 on my left sole already regressing.
So when seeing the Dermatologist, she do the slit sign ( if im not mistaken ) where she cut the 'thing' using scalpel. No bleeding for all except fir the largest 1 on the left foot. Theres slight pain when she do that, tho the pain is faint but very sharp T_T...
Anyway, she want me to do the Cryo in Monday but then the bleeding wont stop even after pressing it for like 5min. So she suggest I do it and I agree.
Back when Derma posting, we often see someone undergo Cryotheraphy ( it even come out on the exam >.< ), but never imagine that I would have experience with it.
Then the procedure start, she gonna start spray the lesion with liquid nitrogen. She say " this gonna burn a little" and i thought that would give slight pain.. She start... cold...very cold...very very cold... cold+hurt a little... pain... a bit painfull... OMG OMG OMG!!!! painfull!!! my foot withdraw ( reflex okayyy ) lol :p
Then she hold my foot so it wont move and continue T_T...
Now for the big lesion she start... Urgh... Cant describe the pain, its just too much >.< (not forget the bleeding still continue )
After finish all things she prescribe the medicine and give me the bill, while going to pay it, too many ppl so I'm going to class ( the lec already there :p )
After class, pay the bill ( the line is very long ) so Faiz CK ( not Calvin Klein okayyy lol :p ) help me to get the medicine ( Thank you so muchhh!!! :p )
Finish the hospital scene and going back home ^_^
Thinking of it, why does pain exist? ( jgn bidas secara logic )~
Perhaps to make ppl realize that life is not all happy but also filled with obstacle and problem that sometimes will surely give us hard time, but then I heard this quote from 1 of the anime I'm watching now :
"no matter what happen, the sun will always shine"
It give a huge meaning to me...
Gtg now~
So when seeing the Dermatologist, she do the slit sign ( if im not mistaken ) where she cut the 'thing' using scalpel. No bleeding for all except fir the largest 1 on the left foot. Theres slight pain when she do that, tho the pain is faint but very sharp T_T...
Anyway, she want me to do the Cryo in Monday but then the bleeding wont stop even after pressing it for like 5min. So she suggest I do it and I agree.
Back when Derma posting, we often see someone undergo Cryotheraphy ( it even come out on the exam >.< ), but never imagine that I would have experience with it.
Then the procedure start, she gonna start spray the lesion with liquid nitrogen. She say " this gonna burn a little" and i thought that would give slight pain.. She start... cold...very cold...very very cold... cold+hurt a little... pain... a bit painfull... OMG OMG OMG!!!! painfull!!! my foot withdraw ( reflex okayyy ) lol :p
Then she hold my foot so it wont move and continue T_T...
Now for the big lesion she start... Urgh... Cant describe the pain, its just too much >.< (not forget the bleeding still continue )
After finish all things she prescribe the medicine and give me the bill, while going to pay it, too many ppl so I'm going to class ( the lec already there :p )
After class, pay the bill ( the line is very long ) so Faiz CK ( not Calvin Klein okayyy lol :p ) help me to get the medicine ( Thank you so muchhh!!! :p )
Finish the hospital scene and going back home ^_^
Thinking of it, why does pain exist? ( jgn bidas secara logic )~
Perhaps to make ppl realize that life is not all happy but also filled with obstacle and problem that sometimes will surely give us hard time, but then I heard this quote from 1 of the anime I'm watching now :
"no matter what happen, the sun will always shine"
It give a huge meaning to me...
Gtg now~
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Root Canal 2.
Hari nie buat permanent filling utk gigi dpn aku, so pg dentist lepas kelas Com Med. Then tym dia buat u=tu, mintak tlg dia buat sekali tampal baru utk left side and remove the black2 thing lol :p
It's a bit painful tp boleh tahan la lagi :D
And for the crown/capping, gonna do it in 24 july ^_^
Hope the medication she implanted in my maxilla working coz after X-Ray it and found no complication, bru la boleh proceed utk crowning process :p
Tonight dinner at Faiz's and finish my Microb rcd book, so gonna have my sleep now ^_^
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Teringat sewaktu sekolah rendah tym pertandingan minggu bahasa, saya mesti ikut pertandingan sajak and setiap tahun mesti pakai sajak yg sama ( Cerita Sebuah Kota by sorang penulis dari Indon, sory tak ingat nama :p )
Kita semua punya banyak cerita, either cerita kita atau org, dan lazimnya kita akan cerita pada family, rakan and teman.
Same goes to me. Eager to know what happen around me even to the tiny little detail is a must. then gonna 'discuss' it to friend mostly XD
Tp tetap akan ada cerita yg daku simpan dlm diri ini walaupun kdg2 leaking and ter-spill kat org lol :p
Kalau leaking, mesti jadi bahan utk point, takpe tak kisah pun...
Tp harap benda2 lain akan tetap jadi cerita diri ini dan hanya utk diri ini...
Kita semua punya banyak cerita, either cerita kita atau org, dan lazimnya kita akan cerita pada family, rakan and teman.
Same goes to me. Eager to know what happen around me even to the tiny little detail is a must. then gonna 'discuss' it to friend mostly XD
Tp tetap akan ada cerita yg daku simpan dlm diri ini walaupun kdg2 leaking and ter-spill kat org lol :p
Kalau leaking, mesti jadi bahan utk point, takpe tak kisah pun...
Tp harap benda2 lain akan tetap jadi cerita diri ini dan hanya utk diri ini...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Root Canal.
Td Alhamdulilah habis permenant root utk root canal aku, cuma mgu depan kena tukar utk permenant filling coz skrg pakai temp filling jer.
total gigi kena = 2
each tooth = RS1500
total payed = RS3000
Saya buat kat Ramaiah Memorial Hospital and actually tak la mahal sgt berbanding kat clinic2 kat BEL Road tu.
Then utk satu gigi depan nie, ada hole kat atas akar gigi tu so dia masukkan medicine and tgu selama 3-4month utk heal ( in the meantime, kena buat X-Ray setiap bulan utk tgk progress healing ), ok gak la.
After benda tu heal, so aku akan buat Crowning which is a bit expensive.
1 tooth = RS 8000
total tooth involved = 2
Total cost = RS 16000
So nasib baik tempoh utk buat adalah lepas medication tu habis which is like 3-4 month, so sempat la kumpul duit.
Anyway, syukur dah almost finish treatment utk gigi ini.
Perhaps 2 gigi dpn yg lain aku buat next year, or this year if Allah permits, InsyaAllah ^_^
total gigi kena = 2
each tooth = RS1500
total payed = RS3000
Saya buat kat Ramaiah Memorial Hospital and actually tak la mahal sgt berbanding kat clinic2 kat BEL Road tu.
Then utk satu gigi depan nie, ada hole kat atas akar gigi tu so dia masukkan medicine and tgu selama 3-4month utk heal ( in the meantime, kena buat X-Ray setiap bulan utk tgk progress healing ), ok gak la.
After benda tu heal, so aku akan buat Crowning which is a bit expensive.
1 tooth = RS 8000
total tooth involved = 2
Total cost = RS 16000
So nasib baik tempoh utk buat adalah lepas medication tu habis which is like 3-4 month, so sempat la kumpul duit.
Anyway, syukur dah almost finish treatment utk gigi ini.
Perhaps 2 gigi dpn yg lain aku buat next year, or this year if Allah permits, InsyaAllah ^_^
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saya suka mereka. Pada rupa, pada gaya atau pada peribadi? Tidak pasti tapi yg pasti saya suka mereka.
Bulan berlalu pergi, exam silih berganti, tp aku tetap begini, lemah, malas, penat... Bukannya tak cukup tidur (maybe?) bukannya tak cuku duit, tp something missing...
Bila fikit balik, takde pun benda yg missing cuma rasa kekurangan itu ada...
Kerajinan? Keikhlasan? mungkin... ataupun itulah jawapannya... Group posting saya sgt rajin and kalau ditanya jawapan terus keluar dari mulut diorang, tp saya? perlu berfikir panjang ( or tak fikir apa2 >.< )...
Result IA laam dah kuar and Lulus 2 subjek ( Microb & Forensic ) and fail 2 yg lain ( Patho & Pharma ), maybe sebab concentrate utk 2 subjek jer kot...
Tp markah forensic biasa2 jer altough dah buat nota segala... tiada rezeki agaknya...
Skrg waktu utk focus utk 2 subjek yg fail, but the more u study, the more u know that u dont know so many thing... dtg la feeling yg akan fail gak 2nd IA nie, tp still kena struggle... Bila difikir balik, apa yg kurang skrg nie usaha. tp utk tingkatkan or more appropriate using to create the effort is very hard...
Mungkin aku mudah leka, banyak main game, leka kerana mereka? (maybe..) tp itu bukan penyelesaian mahupun bukan alasan yg tepat... maybe it's just I'm too weak... Or was I influenced by the sad song I like to hear? ( alasan lagi..) Alasan demi alasan...
Mungkin saya kena keluar sebentar, berfikir sejenak, bermuhasabah seketika, akan apa yg terjadi skrg nie... mungkin jalan penyelesaian akan terbuka buat saya...
Soal hati akan saya cuba tinggalkan, agar tidak mengangu fikiran...
Bulan berlalu pergi, exam silih berganti, tp aku tetap begini, lemah, malas, penat... Bukannya tak cukup tidur (maybe?) bukannya tak cuku duit, tp something missing...
Bila fikit balik, takde pun benda yg missing cuma rasa kekurangan itu ada...
Kerajinan? Keikhlasan? mungkin... ataupun itulah jawapannya... Group posting saya sgt rajin and kalau ditanya jawapan terus keluar dari mulut diorang, tp saya? perlu berfikir panjang ( or tak fikir apa2 >.< )...
Result IA laam dah kuar and Lulus 2 subjek ( Microb & Forensic ) and fail 2 yg lain ( Patho & Pharma ), maybe sebab concentrate utk 2 subjek jer kot...
Tp markah forensic biasa2 jer altough dah buat nota segala... tiada rezeki agaknya...
Skrg waktu utk focus utk 2 subjek yg fail, but the more u study, the more u know that u dont know so many thing... dtg la feeling yg akan fail gak 2nd IA nie, tp still kena struggle... Bila difikir balik, apa yg kurang skrg nie usaha. tp utk tingkatkan or more appropriate using to create the effort is very hard...
Mungkin aku mudah leka, banyak main game, leka kerana mereka? (maybe..) tp itu bukan penyelesaian mahupun bukan alasan yg tepat... maybe it's just I'm too weak... Or was I influenced by the sad song I like to hear? ( alasan lagi..) Alasan demi alasan...
Mungkin saya kena keluar sebentar, berfikir sejenak, bermuhasabah seketika, akan apa yg terjadi skrg nie... mungkin jalan penyelesaian akan terbuka buat saya...
Soal hati akan saya cuba tinggalkan, agar tidak mengangu fikiran...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Alhamdulilah, at last, after all these time ( 2 month + ), i finally got my second laptop. Its Vaio VPCEB16FG with :
Intel Core i3-330M ( 2.13 GHz)
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 ( 1GB )
Using windows 7 64bit ( but after switch on this laptop, the max is 32 bit >.< ) Resolution : 1920 X 1080 X 60 Hz


Other spec u google urself coz I'm to lazy to type it right now.
Its blue colour ( exactly like the pic above ) and it only cost me RS50000. I forgot to check the price in Malaysia but i believe its somwthing RM3000-RM 4000 something.
Well, actually i wanna bought Alienware M15x but there's too many reason not to buy that laptop and most importantly due to the very expensive price and not worth if being stolen again like my first laptop, not that I dont care bout this laptop safety, but it's just the community being too dangerous to have something like that ( well what do u expect from uncivilized Indian - Note that I'm using uncivilized Indian coz not all Indian are bad like my lecturer, they all are very good ppl + hardworking + clever etc, so I'm using uncivilized Indian for certain parties only ( especially the thief who stole my stuff >.< )
I'll be continuing blogging from now and starting about our trip to Uthi tomorrow, so I'm gonna put my next update this Friday after going back form there ^_^
OK, I'm gonna pack my thing for tomorrow journey, so got to go ppl :D
~Salam ^_^
Intel Core i3-330M ( 2.13 GHz)
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 ( 1GB )
Using windows 7 64bit ( but after switch on this laptop, the max is 32 bit >.< ) Resolution : 1920 X 1080 X 60 Hz


Other spec u google urself coz I'm to lazy to type it right now.
Its blue colour ( exactly like the pic above ) and it only cost me RS50000. I forgot to check the price in Malaysia but i believe its somwthing RM3000-RM 4000 something.
Well, actually i wanna bought Alienware M15x but there's too many reason not to buy that laptop and most importantly due to the very expensive price and not worth if being stolen again like my first laptop, not that I dont care bout this laptop safety, but it's just the community being too dangerous to have something like that ( well what do u expect from uncivilized Indian - Note that I'm using uncivilized Indian coz not all Indian are bad like my lecturer, they all are very good ppl + hardworking + clever etc, so I'm using uncivilized Indian for certain parties only ( especially the thief who stole my stuff >.< )
I'll be continuing blogging from now and starting about our trip to Uthi tomorrow, so I'm gonna put my next update this Friday after going back form there ^_^
OK, I'm gonna pack my thing for tomorrow journey, so got to go ppl :D
~Salam ^_^
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Currently login in my friend's computer... why? Coz my laptop got stolen by thief togther with my nie bag, Nokia N95 and Wallet with around RS5000 in it!
So much for a wonderfull new year!
Gonna be offline for a very long time coz i dont think i have the mood to buy another laptop or desktop and...
Bout handphone... maybe I'll just use the old 2nd hp that i bought last year for my Celcom Sim coz i also dont have any intention to buy a advanced handphone...
Gonna be low profile this year... So long people...
So much for a wonderfull new year!
Gonna be offline for a very long time coz i dont think i have the mood to buy another laptop or desktop and...
Bout handphone... maybe I'll just use the old 2nd hp that i bought last year for my Celcom Sim coz i also dont have any intention to buy a advanced handphone...
Gonna be low profile this year... So long people...
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