Saturday, November 10, 2012


Aaaaaannnnnndddddd... here we are Manali!!!! hehe :D

After 14Hr journey, sampai gak kat Manali. Turun2 bas... SEJUKK!!!!! every breath ada asap okay!! nasib  ada bawak jeket. Tp x tebal :(

Check in kat hotel, yang lantai dia macam pijak ais. Elron terus kuar kat tepi2 garden tu amik gambar bunga2. Aku pula, menunggu water heater to completely heat the water for my precious bath :D

Jom enjoy gambar2 elron :

Hehe, some of the pic la eh, gambar2 tu HD, so lama giler nak upload. Ni gambar before kuar hotel, off to go menjelajah Manali!!!! hehe :D

Then singgah National Park otw ke Old Manali. the park :

The last pic, like it very much. Some sort of "Path of enlightenment" caption. With the bird accidentally captured. Majestic i must say ^___^

After walking a while, old Manali in on sight...

Then explore old Manali, there's this one temple... Manu Temple:

Okay. Manu temple ni, kena buat utk Manu (you dont say? #9Gag). Mengikut kepercayaan Hindu, Manu ni adalah bahtera (ala2 bahtera nabi Nuh) yang membawa benih kehidupan (Seed of Life) dan di tarik oleh Lord Vishnu tym berlaku malapetaka.

Ada persamaan x dgn cerita Nabi Nuh? Almost kan? What if seed of life here mention to all those animal and people that carried in the Arc to start a new life after the flood??

What if, its a different version of story narrated by different people? What if the one narrated this story about Manu is those unbeliever or once a believer? then he decided to change the story by himself?

And the last question is, What if its a different story all together? Who know~ Only The One that knows everything know.

Then naik bukit Old Shimla tu, terjumpa 1 rumah, tiangnya agak pelik..

See??? batu2an yang disusun sebagai tiang... Kalau 1 batu hilang? Agak2 runtuh x rumah? Who know~

Islam ni, boleh di ibaratkan mcm tiang tu juga. Ajaran2 islam ni, xleh amik setengah, and abaikan setengah. Nanti tiang2 islam tu roboh. We dont want that tight? So basic tu paling penting. nak mendalami ilmu2 yg high2 mcm ilmu fekah tu, x perlu jika yang basic2 pun x lepas lagi. Tp jangan terus xnak amik tau, okay? :D

Sisa2 masa di Manali kami habiskan jalan2 di New Manali. Teman Christ jalan2 malam2 ( nasib baik aku bawak torch light ). Suhu kat lua? Almost beku okay~ hahaha!

Tido dulu sebelum continue perjalanan esok ke Losar ( 9 hour drive ). tu pun kalo x singgah2 amik gambar which we will hehe :D

1 comment:

Puteri Purnama said...

assalammualaikum Rashid.
kalau ada prluang kasi beli benih bunga dalam gambar no. dan no.2 tu.

bunga tu nampaknya banyak dah tua, kalau acit lurutkan yg dah tua tu, kan bagus bukannya mau banyak..2 atau 3 butir ja.Pokok bunga ni macam pokok ulam rajakan.