Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm so moving on...

Takde nak tulis apa2 pun, just hope that I can regain my strength again to overcome all the obstacle in this 3rd term of this challenging MBBS...

The healing process goes on smoothly....
The workload is 25% finished...
Still stuck with Evanescnce...
Haven't start clean my study table...
Finish all the delayed laundry...
Finally finish return my bed to it's elegant form ( poyo lak :p )
Still playing games.... ( haizz... )
Going to have exam on clinical practical this Wednesday which i don't think i can do it accurately...
Determine not to escape class anymore... ( lolz :p )
Determine to stop saying bad thing on ppl... ( sorry guys... )
Trying hard to stop the bad jealousy...
50% finish stopping the obsession.. ( Yes!!! :D )


Okay ppl, got to go, my com. med record book calling, havent done it for ages :p

~Salam :D


faiz ck said...

go rashid!
u can do it..
jangan nakal2

Wan Mohd Rashid said...

yea, i'm sick being laughed by my long lost obsession, gotta get rid of it ^_^